You are hell itself, ignorant and sick. Qui t'a mentit et t'a dit que tu es Muslim. Une vache Musulmane n'aurait pas un idiot comme toi pour un fils.\ Vis et laisse vivre. Ce que les ...More
Thank you for your encouraging words.I finished the translation of her document few min. ago, I'llemail it to her first thing in th morning. Thanks again. It feels good to create good ...More
Très chère Madame Tetouania; La traduction de votre Invitation est faite. Malheuresement je n'arrive pas á vous l'en voyer sur "Yabiladi" á cause des anti virus et sécurités sur ...More
Hi I'm Morrocan living in the U. S. I'm aprofessional Interpreter. If you can obtain the copies of the documents fill them in French or Spanish email them to me and I'll translate for for you and ...More
Dearone, You're not providing enough informations to get a sound advice. Example what are the hurdles that despair. Such as how do you and the empregnator feel about it. The decision sould utterly ...More
Thank your for your compliment. If you reread his post: He says that thes tourists converted to Islam. Then what is his Problem. Please reread my second post and let me know about my ...More
Friend'' I think Allah already punished you by making you IGNORANT. KADA AL JAHLOU AN YAKOUNA KOFRAN. Did"t you say in previous post that those Westerners converted to Islam? La farka baina Arbein ...More
Dear sir; I see that you hate westerners as much as you say they hate Islam. Hate+Hate= more hate.The girls that you say are doing those those things, have the right to choose what they want for ...More
[] Re: Good Life and Good Death
14 avril 2008 à 03:16
Friend; Death is inevitable. In my humble opinion; if a handful of people remember me as a person that contributed to the happiness of others. I'll have a Good death. Create a ...More
[] Re: Tattoos....Halal or Haram?
4 avril 2008 à 04:26
Friend, This my personal opinion and has nothing to do with halal or haram. - I hope this will help you ...More
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