You are so right about the corruption in our beloved Morocco. I flew from Indiana to New York to have the Consulate renew my passeport and was refused and was denied this priviledge because I would
I'm sorry you feel that way, I have no ill intentions toward anyone regardless of age, color or creed.
At least I say the truth about who I'm and don't hide behind masks.
The best and safe way is tu wiretransferthe money from a bank where you are to a bank where you want it to go in Morocco with the recipient name
J'ai une trés mauvaise expérience avec un fonctionnaire du consula du Maroc á NY. Est si l'arrogance'le mal traitment des autres et infliction commune parmis nos fonctionnaires, je pr'fere rester
Dont hate your self. As a 16 years old I worked as a receptionist in a hotel in Tangiers, Moorocco. And wer had a lot of young Moroccans wanting to visit "teir freinds in their rooms" And I refused;