well, try do not marry white women :Dlike your family :D i dont know what you mean.ur message not clear to me. are you telling me not to marry white woman? or ur telling me ...More
*******achraf132***** here are some suggestions and guidelines for you for future ok......... 1. never date with moroccan 2. never date with moslums 3. never have sex before marriage 4. use ...More
[] Re: free moroccan movies
2 mai 2008 à 18:42
I don't with any body who would call moroccans are slaves or dogs and fellowers to france, that's a big insult and a real moroccan wouldn't say that himself we and the rest. ...More
[] Re: free moroccan movies
2 mai 2008 à 18:36
AssalamoAlaikom, i do agree with your point of view Minniemouse but i don't share your perspective when you said That the only thing which you think they can make better is to ...More
Salam alikoum Well, u can do something for these girls marry morccan girl, u can save here ;) i am moroccan and i prefer marrying only moroccan. i hate to see all my ...More
Not only that he is also a very effective one with his 5 minutes remark lol :) ok friends i am sorry for making offence to my "5 minutes men".but honestly how long does ...More
well, if u know someone like this, don't know, but almost of the time they are not so muslim that they seem or may be their daughters told them that their futur husbands will convert in ...More
i said because it's illegal, but don't forget that sexuel mafia is present in morocco and they are so powerfull, they have money and power it's so esay to them to protect their ...More
Normaly, it's illegal, but don't forget that a lot of policemen are corrupted so it's not easy to catch these persons you are funny . what you mean NORMALLY IT IS ILLEGAL ...More
[] Re: free moroccan movies
1 mai 2008 à 23:07
watching a moroccan film with your family? :sex and sexual issues is what these films are all about :a girl/boy relationship that ends with pregnancy then a scandal, a whore who ...More
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