i hate it when everyone says "OOH NO NO NO NOT ALL MOROCCANS ARE LIKE THAT" okaaay what the $%^$%^ then how come we all hear the same story every day over and over and agian again again what the @#$#
mhtaj li 3awni i need help some ome a real moroccan who has been to like this and understands it and can help please
dear brother.i am real moroccan...........so real
if u want me to answer you, u should before answer to my question
why young moroccan boys marry western white women ?
you asked me a very good question why these little
thanks everyone for their responses but once again i am so much disapointed by reading all of your comments and answers to the post. everyone seems to be dogding the real problem and getting straight
hello bro although i am from usa but canada is not that different from usa i have been to montreal and toranto and otawa for a visit. i have some friends living their with their families and kids. it
in my opiniond and speaking with lots of other fellows on this issue.noone has ever agreed upon saying that it is permissible to get tattos done. so in other words its NOT allowed in islam to alter