They are cheaters ,they'd like to have their own country or whatever by making trouble for the stability of Morocco ,They deserve worst than that unless they apologize for what they have done.
1 dollar now is 8.70 Morocco dirhams ,just three months ago it was 7.00 dirhams .
but i don't really know what exactly happened to it6:!.anyway it's good for me if it keep going up like
salut les frenchy:bye:
moi je ne peux pas me marier avec qqn que je ne l'aime pas .je suis trop romantique ,je sais que j'ai la tete un peu ds les nuages walakine el qalb wa ma
those crimes are common in usa because cab drivers are carrying cash with them all the time, i think it's a robbery especially during the economic crisis ,anyway ajalou wfa allah yrahmou
yes he did it!!!:danse:
I was in his rally at chicago yesterday and it was amasing, it was my first time in my life to see the american election, What a moment in history :clap:!i love it ,hopefully
hata wahed ma yaskha behbabou, cet homme comme tu l a dit n'inspire aucune confiance .un jour il te dis bye du jour au lendemain .je prefere mille fois lahnine avec sa
"sultanes oubliees " de fatima mernissi
"kalila wa demna" de ibn mokafa3
"mokadimate ibn khaldoun"
"alf laila wa laila"
"les mots des femmes"de