je crois que ta raison fawa mais c pas parce que le niveux social est moyen mais parce que, on part avec notre culture et notre habitude, personnelement je suis au danmark, j ai un bouble master ici,
Algerienne, si tu as un doctorat on biologi et ton mari a un doctorat en electronic, vous etes tout les deux de haut niveux educatif... mais vous n etes pas ds le meme domaine.. svd.. pas les memes
Auteur: marribiya (IP enregistrìe)
Date: le 18 octobre 2005 à 16h59
benna a ìcrit:
> marribiya a ìcrit:
Muslima why u laught at me !!!!!!!!! now i am sad !!!!!!! hehehehe!!
why is funny I did not write the words for that be honest with you i have no idea what the song is about.. is the funny
My heart is in my hands = mon coeur est ds ma main
My head is in the clouds = Ma tete est ds les neage
My feet have left the ground = mes pieds a quiter le sol
My life is turning around
In Morocco there´s health insurance, but insurance company doesn´t work that fast as in europe, they may never be there when you need them, then you will fell sad that you have pay and relay on
I know is hard to get married again after divorce, cause u have so many mesurment that your parthner should fet too. in the same time you are not suppose to put your standars high then you end up