Europe too is opening the door for immegrant, but of course the one with hight education... nobody want a fool.
believe me you can achieve a lot in Europe too. but still american step
hi everybody
her is a site where u have Coran and many info about the profete Islam and Athan. you can download Athan for free and get it at your office or living room.
is fantastic to hear
you are right about Europe.. but USA still not a better place for Muslim. Black american, Lationo, Italian and arabs.... do have right to complain but still are discriminated against.
Salam tt le monde..
j ai lu ce debat, je pense personellement que l homme en general c la cause de la prostitution au maroc:
1- presque 70 % des marocains aime bien avoir une nana mais le jour
Salam everybody
I have been in USA and Canada, canada is ok.. USA is hard to live in... i knew people that have 2 works just ta pay the bills..
I don´t know much about Australia. I
I have been to Italy for a holliday twice, nice country nice people, i do believe that italian feel jalous when they meet high educated Moroccan cause they used to Uneducated ones.
Georgina don´t
I guess is better that you read this topic, there are moroccan out there ofring help for poeple like you that intressing to learn better english.
here is the
i guess we can also, create a travling community where we can visite each other, or offer eah other a place for small fee...
i am welcoming any moroccan passing by
I guess the idea is fantastic, i am in Denmark,in case the webmaster dont want to give a place to create our found raising place.
i am welling to build a site for us guys.
and i just need someone
salut A Hamid
sa faot longtemps qie je ne suis pas rentre ici... c formidable que les jeune marocain devients tres interesser d etre independant .. voila mon email tout m interesse j etais a la