free thinka dayer khotbat al jomo3a, it s just tuesday ...More
[] Re: global warming
19 mai 2009 à 13:42
walla global warming howa gs3a dyal couscous achmen hrira wella mojmor wella kskasse wellah tanta skhen lik rass ...More
[] Re: Tamil Tigers
19 mai 2009 à 13:36
ok ajrada mal7a fin konti sar7a:ptdr: maaliche never mind allah ynaal chitane jbel welwad wsagia w a3ine aserdoune fkertini b ifrane j irai cet ete ila ma9tltiniche ...More
[] Re: Tamil Tigers
19 mai 2009 à 10:41
free thinker or mr historian :nou u r diverting all streams to ur river what r u inventing here !!!!!!!!!Tamil like amazigh:ptdr:the rest of srilankan are invaders , r u serious ? what d u know about ...More
[] Re: global warming
18 mai 2009 à 22:44
You and Salma need to find your own island in plumbers land :o :Dyou lost it mate ,i think you just had a power cut and u r using ...More
[] Re: Tamil Tigers
18 mai 2009 à 22:40
8o8oif it makes you happy thats fine maykoune ghir khatrek :Deven the planet is flat no probs sujet tamil tigers machi ...More
8o8othere is no amazigh been mentioned in this topic:C: l9adia fiha inna wa akhawatoha ...More
pourquoi pas parler sur ces phenomens en tele , wach hna daeman nchtbou wnkhb3ou tahte ...More
[] Re: global warming
18 mai 2009 à 18:54
You and Salma need to find your own island in plumbers land :o :Dyou lost it mate ,i think you just had a power cut and u r using candles at the moment your sight is ...More part two of this fatwa discussion is on the following ...More
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11 nov. 1970
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27 sept. 2008 16:07