perso je ne crois pas que c est harame car ma source est toujours le st quran les mots d allah je suis curieux de savoir ceux qui sont convaincu que la musique et autres arts sont harame ...More
[] Re: love from the first sight
20 mai 2009 à 18:01
chettou gaa mared alina lakhbare ta3tel andak ykoune 9tel rasou bsa7 ban alik al amane ...More
[] Re: missing link is found
20 mai 2009 à 17:54
lmohim chnou ana fhemt , galik alala l9aw wahed fossil of creature which proves darwin theory which says that the origin of humans r apes , the fossil which dated 47 millions years shows the changing ...More
[] Re: Bob & The Blonde.....
20 mai 2009 à 16:17
US tourists, a man and his wife are traveling in the Middle East. An Arab approaches the husband, saying, "I'll give you 100 camels for your woman." After a long silence, the husband says, "She's ...More
[] Re: problème
20 mai 2009 à 13:22
:ptdr:attention , c est un peu dangereux , si tu lui dit , pt etre il declarereA JIHAD CONTRE ...More
[] Re: love from the first sight
20 mai 2009 à 15:59
yes iam meknasi but i do pronounce the :CH tea with chiba : i can say it unlike mkansa they say siba, sun=semse, chomicha= somisa :ptdr: free think chrebti lma 7ami? red alkia lakhbare wach ...More
[] Re: love from the first sight
20 mai 2009 à 14:55
:ptdr:in this case let s form an amazighen army and invade the world free think is the gladiator :) you see free think you been rude to our sister amazighen how could you live with yourself ,you ...More
[] Re: les arts et la religion ?
20 mai 2009 à 14:44
habib75, laisse le poser des questions, je pense qu'il faut lui répondre précisément et en toute objectivité pour agir en musulmans. whatsup, - ...More
[] Re: les arts et la religion ?
20 mai 2009 à 14:32
c est mon opinion chacun a le droit d exprimer son opinion , je suis contre l ideoplogie de taliban surtout le matraitement des femmes , c est un autre sujet , tu n a s aucun droit d insulter les ...More
[] Re: love from the first sight
20 mai 2009 à 14:05
free thinka you been quiet rude to our sister and friend here salma before so i think you owe her an appology amazighen treat women with a lot of respect and equality , the woman stand shoulder to ...More
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11 nov. 1970
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