a mon avis fermer le parliement , ne changera rien , faut introduire un system democratique comme en europe un des problemes c est le phenomene des elus absentes , en europe y a un system et des ...More
[] Re: Let's talk about Love...
7 mai 2009 à 18:50
assalamo alaikome:D just a note man ra2a minkome monkarane fal yoghayirho discussing such subjects with strangers over the net is Haram , i see you are talking about love in a lot of dept to ...More
[] Re: Let's talk about Love...
7 mai 2009 à 18:34
assalamo alaikome warahmato allahi warakatohe 8osorry just a note reading your views in the forum of religion i think you know such conversation about romantic poems is haram:666 specially ...More
[] Re: white girl
7 mai 2009 à 15:54
i am just curious, how do you get things free?8odon t tell me let me guess do you do a bit thieving:Dyou know i think you could be very successful being short it helps too close to the pockets ...More
rejouis toi a fond alors, ... tu veux que je le repete? ça ne veut pas dire que les jeune fille de 2534 seront commes des fillettes d'aujourd'hui, .. ça depend de l'epoque, les conditions de ...More
pourquoi tu parle "dimité le prophet" le prophete na vendu ocune fi é na marié okune fi de cette age la! revoit t source avant de dire nimporte koi Le mariage de Mahomet ( 55 ans ) et ...More
[] Re: white girl
7 mai 2009 à 11:28
Why do SHORT men whistle when they're sitting on the toilet? Because it helps them remember which end they need to wipe.:ptdr: since you are tight (in the wrong places of course) and a miser ...More
sometimes we need to assume the consequences and say : yes we are not innocent , bad apples exist and as we say in Morocco , 7outa wahda tatkhnez chwari some immigrants specially young genration don ...More
ceux qui sont choques pourquoi pas proteste devant ce consul marocain c est comme ca les choses changent pas par nguire et nabobi lkhawi et se sentir honte d etre ...More
i really think in the case of moroccan in holland we can not play de song : we are victims , they r racist , it s just not convincing trying to play the role of the victims here i have lived in ...More
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11 nov. 1970
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27 sept. 2008 16:07