[] Re: global warming
14 mai 2009 à 13:38
Global Warming my foot, it was created by the super rich arrogant countries from Europe and north America, not by the super poor nations from Africa. We are from Morocco, Africa, Hello we don't ...More
[] Re: Let's talk about Love...
14 mai 2009 à 07:22
Free Thinker, Yes, Love lives in our heart but we have to find a person that deserves it, a person that will be able to receive this energy. And there's the ...More
se demander si un etre humain merite la democratie ou pas c'est comme se demander ca sert a quoi l'eau dans le desert. ca sert a quoi l'eau dans le ...More
je dedis cette chanson a ma maman la plus chere dans ma vie. la translation moi aussi je t'aime mais je ...More
[] Re: Let's talk about Love...
13 mai 2009 à 20:29
L'amour c'est pas qlq chose qu'on doit chercher, l'amour existe deja dans le coeur. c'est a nous de decider si on est pret a dichire ce coeur pour trouver le vrai amour. on peut chercher et dancer ...More
je dedis cette chanson a ma maman la plus chere dans ma ...More
Azul Imazeghen are too proud to let their culture die.. The Amazigh culture lived for 10,000 years will live til the end of time... Imazighen were born FREE and are supposed to die FREE They ...More
[] Re: world dictators competition
13 mai 2009 à 01:46
hey guys , what you are discussing is a different topic could you pls stick to the topic which is dictators naming and shaming them here is an other one : the north korean ...More
[] Re: world dictators competition
13 mai 2009 à 01:07
but Arabs have to go back to Arabia where they came from, this is Amazigh land read the above thats you sentence , you have typed it , i presume you thought before displaying it ...More
Tu sais tres bien que je t'adore bent bladi mais stp la prochaine fois meli nebda nthayer khalini nthayer jusqu'a la fin stp. c'est dans mon sang, c'est incontrolable. Meni tishedouni mselmine safi ...More
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