[] Re: musik cheulh
12 mai 2009 à 18:05
je cherche le nom amaghar, imaghran, amghari c'est quoi l'origine de ce nom dans le moyen Atlas? pour la musique, je dedis cette chanson a tous les Marocains qu'ils viennent de l'ATLAS ou ...More
[] Re: world dictators competition
12 mai 2009 à 17:45
hi there sorry mate but i dont do politics:no salma, if you don't do politics, then go back to the kitchen where you think you belong. not my words, they are yours. be ...More
[] Re: world dictators competition
12 mai 2009 à 17:41
who cares about other people, lets talk about our people. numero ono must be kaddafi, that freak has been in power for like 40 years, a mssati motherfucker , an imbecile hakem blad. number 2 is ...More
Pour mes amie d'enfance :L: wa nari a bent bladi, nsiti ...More
[] Re: white girl
12 mai 2009 à 04:25
You're nothing more than a hater:^o … and am still the same and noone will ever change that regardless of what you say or do. you're a with it. K e e p p ...More
[] Re: white girl
11 mai 2009 à 13:50
Tu es d'où toi du Taliban?... well,.. it lets me know you have the brainspan of a sunflower seed :C:because you don't care what science says. as usual you and others, like to ...More
[] Re: Happy Mother's Day to All
11 mai 2009 à 07:08
N'oubliez jamais ce qu'ont fait les zionistes a des femmes musulmanes a Gaza en 2009. The zionist cowards who came from Russia and Ukraine raped muslim women in their homes in Gaza. Never ever ...More
Je dedis cette chanson a ma grande mere, allah irhamha Elle a ete expulse de l'Atlas apres que les colons Francais ont tue son marie alors qu'elle parlait aucun mot en arabe. elle avait les plus ...More
Lhob li Matiwje3sh et ijewe3 l9alb Mashi Hob a bent bladi :no Ecouter une chanson d'amour ou lire un poeme d'amour doit faire le coeur pleurer, si non c'est pas du vrai amour qui vient du profend du ...More
[] Re: white girl
11 mai 2009 à 01:24
May i ask you one simple question? Why do you keep calling her WHITE GIRL? Beauty is not in the color of the skin, it's a lot more than that. Why do you keep calling her WHITE GIRL? Are you that ...More
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