je dedis cette chanson a une amie que j'aime bcp, une bent ...More
Some talk about war against Algeria but forget the biggest genocide that ever took place against our ancestors. Spain used chemical weapons against our parents yet some claim it should be our ...More
[] Re: Let's talk about Love...
8 mai 2009 à 00:44
assalamo alaikome warahmato allahi warakatohe 8osorry just a note reading your views in the forum of religion i think you know such conversation about romantic poems is ...More
[] Re: Let's talk about Love...
8 mai 2009 à 00:07
Religion has nothing to do with this. why do people need to bring religion into this. if you have nothing to say about romance than shut up and read, maybe you can learn.. but please don't bring ...More
[] Re: white girl
7 mai 2009 à 23:47
Frethinka, I'm in a very expensive city in DC, …it sucks! our stores aren't cheap I like getting stuff cheap or free, and making meals around what I get… that has worked ...More
[] Re: Let's talk about Love...
7 mai 2009 à 16:35
Thanks Ismalia for the lyrics...So touching! FreeThinker,you don't even know me, how can you fall in love with me??? Come on! Latifa, i see Love in the eyes from ...More
[] Re: Let's talk about Love...
7 mai 2009 à 14:07
yes im falling in Love with her ISMAILA. That's why im walking away.. very very sad, but that's life. by the way your poem is ...More
[] Re: Let's talk about Love...
7 mai 2009 à 12:57
Freethinker... What are you getting at??? I've nerver tried to court you or whatever! Have I made myself clear, Mr Casanova??? Moreover, we are just chatting, nothing ...More
i do agree with you with the fact that the imbecile who killed that film maker is not Moroccan. Moroccans don't kill artists, no matter their opinion. But their ancestors are Moroccan, fuck ...More
F.uck the Dutch, it's not for Holland to decide who is Moroccan and who is not, but Allah. who gives shit about what Holland thinks? Holland is a douche ...More
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