that is sooooo sweet of you Fretinka!! .. i think we all aspire to be you when we grow up. truly amazing! Yo berberman don’t never ever put ur AHIDOUS for granite.
ce que s'est passe a sidi ifni est malade, la manque de democratie.
allah in3al din mha blad qui traite ses citoyens comme ca.
un Mekhzni Hmar hashakom dakhel l'dar siadou titfal3es bhal ila howa
Averoes, le plus grand philosophe musulman de l'histoire de l'islam n'a jamais demande a aucun ou aucune de ses etudiants ou etudiantes qui etait juif et qui etait musulman.
il n'a jamais demande a
Freethinka,….keep in mind that am 5’8” not 5’2” and that’s why am keep telling you need to go back and reread the stoy, and you refused not too.
i felt that the
Hi Latifa
i think the arabic poeme/love story Majnoun Leyla came from the pre-islamic arabic story of Antar ibn Shadad who lived in today's Yamen.
he was a black man, his mother came from Etiopea
Some love stories i would like to share with you.
I hope you enjoy them as much as i did.
Acontius and Cydippe
Acontius was a young man from Chios who, at a festival at Delos, fell in
ca nous derangent en quoi ce que des gens font dans leurs vies prives.
3isho 7yatkom oukhaliw nass tahouma i3ishou.
si qlq1 ne te dicte pas comment vivre ta vie alors pourquoi lui dicter comment
Tous les Marocains doivent etre egaux devant la justice et les yeux du roi.
si on laisse des membres de la famille royale abuser le systeme judiciere alors ca sert a quoi ce systeme?
Tous les