J'ai souscrit a kleema,c top nul simplement une arnaque je vous DECONSEILLE totalement a moins que vous
veuillez perdre votre 2 euros.
Il y'a un temps d'attente enorme et on
heureux d'etre parmi vous,
J'aurai besoin de savoir s'il y'a qq un qui connait les demarches de naturalisation au 92: délais et tt ca
si la procedure est au cas par cas ...
J'ai vu
Hi everybody,
WHat can realy improve english for pepole who have other Mother-Tongue Languages is reading, reading and reading ( books, magazines, summaries...).
It will be interesting to have
Hi everybody,
I truly recommand Garden State to anyone who hasn't seen it yet, it's a great movie, so just go to the cine and see it.
Peace and Love
Hi fellows,
I am wondering if anyone could explain to me what means by he following German proverb: Beware of a silent dog and still water!
Thank you for your