hello fitnea
ask yourself this question?
how can the moroccan population in france by the millions, yet they are treated unfavorably by their own incompetent consulat staff.
why can't you get
dear amir
i think ,they should master the spoken and written french language,especially when they live in france .
si vous habitez en france ,il faut parler et ecrire le bon francais,voila c'est
advice please
when you arrive at customs in casa airport and you present your british passport.
isn't enough.??
you are british? aren't you?
so what's this all about?please
honestly fossil
you were born and raised in australia and still call yourself moroccan.
you are wrong.you are an aussie ,you are australian with moroccan heritage..simple as that?
you should also
dear gema
there is something wrong with the lay out of the yabiladi...may be the insertion command or something else?
what does MP stand for?
why is it ,in posting there no FRom: to:?
where is
could you please tell me why tribalism still exist in morocco> and moroccan abroad are tribalist..i have not noticed that in morocco
in the last century may be i was little????
are you