if you can find 1000 pax to donate 10 dollars each to plant 1000 trees anywhere in the's a good thing for the humanity.. come on folks join us for this good cause ..isn't it? and share ...More
if you read my posts carefully ,there is no mentionning of any particular country. if you plant 1000 trees in france or in morocco or bora bora island ,it's a good thing for the humanity,and the ...More
salut tout le monde oui j'ai trouve quelques choses, le pourcentage de reussite au bac est maroc. merci ...More
salut pendant le jour de l'environnement ,organisons des activites(outdoor-plein air) pour les ecoliers a paticiper ,par exemple: preservons et gardons les plages propres show the kids how ...More
hello je suis desole ,j'aurai du peut etre utiliser les mots ,ameliorer .contribuer. (pas ...More
bonjour a tout le monde example1; if we can find 1000 people ,and each of them donate 100 dollars each .we could create a public library in rural town for instance. example2: if we can find 1000 ...More
hello samad perhaps ,i should have said (to transform-to make a difference-to improve-) ameliorer,est peut etre le mot que je cherche. To provoke- to trigger -A DEBATE-brainstorming-to share ...More
Superb mr samad. Freedom of Movement,i beleive is already an Article in the UN Charter,ratified by many members,but unfortunately not respected and violated by many UN ...More
Social justice for all Tolerance 1-Right and acces to free education. 2 -Right and acces to proper free health care. 3-Right to employment and vocational training and ...More
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1 août 2010 04:43