Assalamu aleikum, merci Adel c'est tres necessaire pour les hommes je crois a le comprendre. Le probleme reste, a mon avis, les hommes qui se comporte commes des animaux, en utilisant le ...More
[] Re: ne plus avoir envie de sa femme ???
16 octobre 2005 à 13:38
Salaam, est-ce que vous avez tous oublies que sa femme est enceinte?? Donc, forcement se situation va changer inshallah, il faut seulement avoir un peu de patience! Les hommes, je ne vous ...More
Salaam, oui le Bible dis cela, mais non, le porc n'est pas interdit dans le christianisme. Je sait tres bien le christianisme, est c'est pas interdit de manger le porc. Jamais personne l'a dit ...More
[] Re: African American and Moroccan
29 septembre 2005 à 12:58
Dear Moroccobound, Be very careful, if at any time this guy changes in the way he treats you or does anythign unacceptable, then please don't go through with it. Just from my experiences, but ...More
[] Re: from australia
18 septembre 2005 à 14:03
Thanks Cali, I didn't think you meant anything bad, I just thought people might wonder ... I tell you what, I would love to be somewhere with the Danish climate. I can't stand the heat! I miss ...More
[] Re: from australia
18 septembre 2005 à 01:31
Hello Cali, Yes, I'm from Australia. So what am I doing on a Moroccan - French forum? A long story I won't go into. I've spent a lot of time around Moroccans, particularly in France, so hopefully ...More
Hello Georgina, Happy Birthday and I hope you had a lovely day despite these worries. From what you've said, don't let someone prssure you into marriage. The best excuses are those which sound ...More
[] Re: from australia
12 septembre 2005 à 11:01
Hello, On the topic of Australia... Actually for rain it depends where you go in Australia. In the north it rains quite often in the late afternoon with a storm towards the end of summer. In the ...More
[] Re: Footprints In Your Heart
12 septembre 2005 à 10:54
Thanks, very ...More
Dear Georgina, I'm so sorry to hear about a sincere woman suffering so much because of love for a man who is not being honest with her. Please don't marry this man. Your relationship sounds a ...More
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