Salam Baligh75,
Quel plaisir de te revoir sur yabliand :D
Au sujet de ton questionnement (je ne suis pas certaine d'avoir cerné le tout) tout est question de choix.
On se marie avant tout
Nop! Sharing is boring :D
Ba voyons... je suis certaine que tu as pleins de choses trèèès intéressantes à partager avec nous autre, ne fais pas le timide
en fait j'edite parce que cette discussion n'est pas bonne pour mon coeur.
bisoutes .
Salam petite pétale,
Mais non, exprime
C'est tout à fait ca : regardons nous en face ( chacun d'entre nous)
mais respectons nous : si on se ne respecte pas entre arabe, QUI NOUS RESPECTERA? je me le
Wa Aliekum As'Salam
This is certainly not based on how I feel. I would never claim anything unless I have something to prove my claims.
Unfortunately, due to the
I disagree with your forum post. Because what she did, means that she should return the full Mahr, based on the fact the marriage was null from the start (i.e she married me by
- I believe the situation is actually very straight forward. And the ruling in most cases is quite straight forward, that if the husband has not consummated the marriage, then he is
Salam alaykoum,
I am sorry for the situation you got involved in.
I just want to tell only one thing: the mahr is yours! As you didn't have sex with her, she doesn't
No, I did not take a risk. This is NOT a strange woman that I married from a far away land. I'm not an idiot, that would marry an unknown woman. This is the NIECE of a family I've