1. le RAM apparemment a un réflexe de sécurité, donc on arrête l'hypocrisie, on est tous heureux de savoir que quand un membre de notre famille prend un avion de la RAM, il arrivera à bon port.
Question pertinente pas loin des élections BeautéDuRif.
Il y a c'est vrai des gens pour qui la ligne de démarcation dans leur tête est floue. Ils confondent tout.
Un président français à lui
Hi again Sarah70,
I'm sorry to say this again, but you keep adopting a protective posture.
You're taking this personally, it's not about you, reading you on this forum I have no doubt that you've
i think it looks good now and your message is loud and clear.
Hi Sarah70,
My views have always been loud and clear, why do you act so surprised ?
Krim, you're right. That would be NO.
LeMask, I honestly don't understand how you can function in a western society or for that matter any society. Even Iran has laws that you have to obide
Thanks everyone for participating.
I also agree with khadijaox81, who better to tell us about this, being a teacher herself.
The other part of this issue is the veil being more and more a form
Hi LeMask,
chelhman, i'm not preaching, i'm telling what a lot of people think. if you believed in democracy, you would agree with me just because the majority would follow what i
DZ-citizen, j'ai pas son emploi du temps pour l'année 1975, mais s'il a fait partie des Marocains qui sont descendus dans le sud du Maroc pour affirmer la marocanité du Sahara, il a mon