Essaies ça, c'est assez succint mais ça résume à peu sa bio ...More
[] Re: Morocco Omits Verse from Curricula
29 octobre 2006 à 02:51
LeMask, The system you described is by definition a theocracy, we draw everything from religion to rule. It already exists in Iran and in Saudia Arabia to some extent but the Iranians are ...More
[] Re: Morocco Omits Verse from Curricula
29 octobre 2006 à 00:36
LeMask, My faith is not to be questioned, but it does not occupy every second of my life. You seem to like simplistic views, you think muslims are heterogeneous, they're not. There is a world of ...More
[] Re: Morocco Omits Verse from Curricula
29 octobre 2006 à 00:03
LeMask, Please show me your Umma, where is it ? Show me an organisation of muslim countries together, cooperating economically, exchanging technology, anything even remotely resembling the EU for ...More
Djenine, tu penseras aussi à le signaler à l'Iran et aux USA, à ceci près que eux ne cherchent pas à ramener la paix, notre pays au moins ...More
[] Re: Morocco Omits Verse from Curricula
28 octobre 2006 à 22:47
aziz_dk, Aït Jerrar is south of Tiznit, between Lakhssass and Tiznit. You're talking about the area between Agadir and Tiznit. Xylophene mentioned he knows that area, he can confirm that in that ...More
[] Re: Morocco Omits Verse from Curricula
28 octobre 2006 à 21:52
aziz_dk to support chelhman "that call him selv chelh and doesn´t speak his native language" I'm from Aït Jerrar, if you knew anything about Souss, you'd know that ...More
[] Re: Morocco Omits Verse from Curricula
28 octobre 2006 à 16:44
LeMask you hear that chelhman? this is really the point i want to reach. no skin color/nationality/ehnicality (berbere or not) barrier... just human beings. the Umma in my ...More
andi espoir En tout les cas, les revendications amazighophones n'intéressent pas grand monde sur ce forum. D'ailleurs les alaouites ne sont même pas Berbères ! Si si, ...More
Salma26, un big bravo, c'est la première fois que je lis un truc ou j'apprends quelquechose sur ce sujet, au-delà du discours passionnel et souvent ...More
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