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Aboutaleb, the first Moroccan Mayor of Netherlands
17 October 2008 22:32
The city council of Rotterdam yesterday Ahmed AbouTaleb State Secretary for Social Affairs (PvdA) nominee for mayor. He is the first Moroccan mayor of the Netherlands.

AbouTaleb also was previously Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam. He grew up in Den Haag. The second batch of the Rotterdam city council, Livable Rotterdam, has outraged reaction to the nomination.

Representatives of the Moroccan community responded happy. According to the National Discussions Moroccans, the Moroccan community history by a mayor to the Netherlands to deliver, and then immediately in a major city.
17 October 2008 23:07
So what?
18 October 2008 12:52
Ok let’s make this more interesting. It is a good example for those lazy Moroccans over there to do something useful in there lives and to stop draining the Dutch's patience. Correct me if I am wrong most of our people over there are living from the socials and the government is fed up with that. Electing one of us could be just a punishment and embracement to him.

Just to ease of the pain other Moroccans are try hard around the world to give us a good image:

At the same time others are tarnishing the image with violence and radical views

This one is in Belguin
the foot ball team said please don’t support us anymore.

Even being cool is doesn’t sound like it is in Dutch

Then comes Samira:

Luckily Hind was ready to rescue the situation

Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
18 October 2008 13:05
Not all moroccans trying to give a good image in england for instance the action of one Moroccan ruined a whole country image without the need to mention the name thumbs down
19 October 2008 14:52
The right-wing leader of Holland’s Freedom Party, Geert Wilders, has slammed the upcoming appointment of Moroccan Ahmed Aboutaleb as mayor of Rotterdam.
“Appointing a Moroccan as mayor of the second largest Dutch city is just as ridiculous as appointing a Dutchman as mayor of Makkah,” he said.
Instead, Wilders said, Aboutaleb “should become mayor of Rabat in Morocco”.
“With him as mayor, Rotterdam will be Rabat on the banks of the river Maas. Soon we may even have an imam serving as archbishop. This is madness.”
19 October 2008 18:23
Aboutaleb he walked into the country and his determination and hard work made him the man he is now. He made his own way up to the top and possibly he could be considered for the presidency.
Geert Wilders racist comments are just out of natural jealousy. All party leaders do make comments in attacks of one anothe.
Who knows a Dutchman could prove better candidate for Makah since they haven’t got one yet? As for Rabat, the guy lives in Holland and Ahmed is doing his job just fine in Morocco, so far doesn’t need a replacement yet.
The problem seems to be this inherited disease we have in our genes called STUPIDITY. It follows us wherever we go. Even if we relinquish the nationality and change our image, deep inside us there is this crazy little/big person popping out to say “You are who you are and you can’t be someone else just do it”…. We do things that make other so ashamed to say they have the same origin like us…
The truth:
Did we deserve whatever they do to us? Yes and yes.
Are we whatever they call us around the world? Yes and yes.
Do I blame the West? No and no.
Do I hold responsible someone else other than us? No and no.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
26 October 2008 22:36
Aboutaleb worked hard? Don't make me laugh adds! I live in Holland and I know who Aboutaleb is.

He reached the top because he don't see himself as a Moroccan anymore. He even thinks that Dutch Culture is much better then the Moroccan culture. For example he said that if someone comes to his house when he's eating, then the person would have to wait in a room until he finished his meal. Where's the Islam that learned us to welcome any guest no matter what? And that's only a small example of what he said and done.

If you want to reach the top in a foreign country it's very easy. Just throw away your culture and believes, start talking bad about your own folk and the Islam and be one of them that's all it takes.
If you don't believe me just try it and you'll see.

Hirshi Ali did it very well until she took off to America. Other people just learned from her.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/2008 10:37 by hitman.
27 October 2008 20:46
No one should be disturbed while eating… and I am not sure what it has to do with the small oranges this season either…moody smiley
We made our culture; we chose to label it good or bad. Our culture and religion enforce good manners and recommend caring for others before ourselves. It is rude and very impolite to knock on someone’s door at the lunch time, instead of people paying for their own to save the money. It is uncaring to use other as a door mat to be rich and it is down to the individual to judge to be offended when the door is not answered, put in a separate room, given a glass of water and news paper etc.

It is with the hard work that one can achieve success.
There is no comparison with that woman from Somalia with Aboutaleb from Morocco. He worked for it. She is no body he made himself a respectable position in the Dutch government. She made a film and wrote a couple of books insulting her people and religion also she is skinny and ugly mate.eye popping smiley

Ash jab toz li Al hamdo lillahtongue sticking out smiley
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