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can u advice me
20 March 2007 14:49
salam alaykoum

i want to travel for next holiday to usa but i dont know wich city is best to spend a good time with all my familly but with reasonable budget and save "all my familly wear ful hijjab"

can u give proposer

thank you
21 March 2007 13:49
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pls i'm waiting for ur advice i never be in usa

21 March 2007 17:19
If you had not stated that your family wore "full-hijab" many people would have answered you for sure... but unfortunately you made a basic mistake.
21 March 2007 18:27
thank you dear brother riffman

but i'm in a muslim moroccan forum isn't it?

so what's the matter if my familly wear full hijjab ?????????????????????

that sceard them from me or what ?

i dont undrstand !!!!!!!!!!!!!
21 March 2007 21:50
some people are ignorant carfour. good luck
22 March 2007 04:01
Hi friendsmiling smiley
I think there are 3 great places in united states,one is hawaii,other is florida and third is los angeles.The problem with losangeles and hawaii is that it is expensiveeye rolling smiley.I feel florida is the best place because very good weather anytime of year,disney world which is one of seven wonders of world is situated thereAngel and it is not very expensive,so I feel that will be a good place to see. Wearing hijab is a very good thing and I think many american people respect it considering it as part of belief muslim religion so I dont think so that would be an issue anywhere in United states.good lucksmiling smiley
22 March 2007 15:24
Hi friendsmiling smiley
I think there are 3 great places in united states,one is hawaii,other is florida and third is los angeles.The problem with losangeles and hawaii is that it is expensiveeye rolling smiley.I feel florida is the best place because very good weather anytime of year,disney world which is one of seven wonders of world is situated thereAngel and it is not very expensive,so I feel that will be a good place to see. Wearing hijab is a very good thing and I think many american people respect it considering it as part of belief muslim religion so I dont think so that would be an issue anywhere in United states.good lucksmiling smiley

hmm your choice of cities is very weird in my opinion. he initially stated that the whole family wears hijab therefore going to places such as hawaii or better yet los angeles would be really odd for them, wouldn't it???

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/23/2007 02:43 by bella02.
22 March 2007 21:48
I think as wajdia mentionned, going to Florida would be the best choice, being saying Florida, I mean Orlando, it is a family tourism state, better than Los Angelos which is very liberal and which might bother you probably. I lived in Florida for a little while and can tell you it is very nice, many things to do, disney world, you can find good hotel deals, and there are a ot of Moroccans there. If you have kids in the family they're gonna love being in Disney World, besides this there are a lot of other parks, Sear World, many other water parks for the kids especially.
Hope u'll have fun in there inshaallah
smiling smiley
23 March 2007 16:31
Carfour, yes this forum is moroccan. and there is nothing wrong with a family wearing "full-hijab". I would not say that it scared people, I would say maybe, and maybe they thought of it as a joke. Probably your query was a bit too suspicious.
How would this sound: i want to travel for next holiday to the US but i don't know which city is best to spend a good time with my family, which is religious, for a reasonable budget.
Wearing Hijab or not has nothing to do regarding where you want to go anywhere in the world, does it? only if you go to places where the temperature is above 40degrees, in a town in the middle of nowhere. Or to a beach town such as Copacabana.

and regarding the ignorance of people, there is a perfect frase by Khalil Gibran: "If I knew the cause of my ignorance, I would be a wise man"
23 March 2007 23:04
Riffman, yetoub for the quote. He also said 'In the house of Ignorance there is no mirror in which to view your soul'.
23 March 2007 23:14
thank you every one who reply to my qst

i specify full hijjab to tel me what is the respectebl place that i could go with all my familly without shamed to see people with clodes of swiming or dirty places in usa i dont kwno i never be there but i imagine it's a free country but i can find a good respectebl and resonabl places there this is why i'm talking about hijjab

many of uadvice me florida and i heard that's avery expensive isn't it?

thank u

24 March 2007 00:18
Hi dud !

Well, what can i say ??? Do YOU know any "good" place to go in the us while your family wears hijab ?

Pesronaly, i advise you to forget about the us and head towards a nice arabic and muslim place to go, there are hundreds of great muslim places to visit, so don't in anyway go and waste ur money in there.
Except if u have family in the us, then it'll be okay, at least then can escort u to show places around such as mosques...

why don't u fly to Dubai or Jordan or even Pakistan, not only u'd be welcomed but you'll also be surprisingly happy (eat halal and be fully respected...) and on top of that u won't be giving ur money to damned bloody bush's economy : it'll end up somwhere in Iraq or Palestine or the form of weapons... Think about it mate !!! No no
24 March 2007 09:10
salam alaykoum

i want to travel for next holiday to usa but i dont know wich city is best to spend a good time with all my familly but with reasonable budget and save "all my familly wear ful hijjab"

can u give proposer

thank you
I'm sorry but I don't know if it will be a good idea to go there with your family the situation is so difficult with all the events passed
I advice you to go to DUBAI it's a beautiful city and it will not be a problem for your family to wear ful hijjab of course it's my opinion
Best regards
24 March 2007 15:07
thank you shams alrab i apereciate very much ur advice but i will tell u the truth reason why the USA because my wife is pregent and i live in golf and if my child born here or in any other muslim country he will not have nationality so this is the reason that we want other country then arabic for our child not for enjoy

so can u make for me propose for any country who gives nationality to who born in it excpt usa !!!

i have no familly except in morocco!

thank you
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24 March 2007 17:57
OKAY... Woooow !

I Know someone in Amman Jordan. She was actually born in London, but no way would she get the British citizenship nor would she have a British passport....uuurrr, let me think....

If getting hold of the US citizenship for your new born baby, may God bless him or her when they get out on this world, is your main reason, then it's up to you... I'd suggest you just fly to New York, and head to Salt Lake City, which is quiet far from NY, but at least you won't get any of those foolish curious looking at you all the time despite America is an open-minded country (some of 'em don't even know where Morocco is...).

So now you wanna know why Salt Lake City ?? There are no "New born christians", there are mainly Mormons who actually understand quiet well the Islamic way of living though they are respectful Christians, but not like zionnist ones in Wachington DC or Dallas Texas or even Atlanta Georgia.

On top of that you might even get help from local people... they're quiet opend to others...
So definitly Salt Lake City with no regret....You'll tell us if i'm right when you get there INCHALLAH...

Good luck to you, God bless you and your family...
25 March 2007 17:23
thank you very mauch shams al arab ur i apreciat ur advice very much but some people advice me about new ziland what do you think is it beter than usa?
25 March 2007 18:50
As I said, it's up to you... Every aspect has to be considered and taken into consideration. To help you out, think of what you can do with a New Zealand passport against an American passport... Plus,i heard in New Zealand the salaries are not so good, even France is better in that area. Bear in mind that quiet a few kiwis head to the UK to seek jobs, it's not only coz they're part of the Commonwelth, but also coz they expect to earn better money... In other respects what can you do really with a NZ passport ??? That's a good question to ask.
Having heard of quiet questionable cases regarding leave to remain and residency permit in NZ, i'd suggest you better go to the US. They're actually very tough on entry to their country, but at least you'd get the entire benefits of securing your child's future and the privileges of holding a US passport once you claim it : absolutely no visa problem wherever you go, especially in Europ and the Arab states...
Don't ask for a Volkswagen, ask for Rolls Royce instead......

Good luck to you...
26 March 2007 17:59
Carfour, your child has the right of citizenship any place you reside (legally). That's the basic of human rights. However they receive the nationality of the father (for moslem countries you have to provide them with the wedding certificate) for other countries just the birth certificate is enough. There is one other thing... when your wife will apply for the visa, and if they see she is pregnant, be ready... they are no fools.
But definetely if you go to the states, shams-elarab is right! apart from that many of them speak arabic... it is considered the city where most languages of the world are spoken, that's why it's the capital city for translation.
good luck
26 March 2007 23:47
I would agree that Salt Lake City would be a good place and the mormons are religious and tolerant. Los Angeles can be quite shocking for someone visiting from the gulf countries and Hawai is all beaches and bikinis, so yes I would say that sticking with the mormoms is a good idea, just avoid the cold season.

Good luck!
27 March 2007 00:36
I would agree that Salt Lake City would be a good place and the mormons are religious and tolerant. Los Angeles can be quite shocking for someone visiting from the gulf countries and Hawai is all beaches and bikinis, so yes I would say that sticking with the mormoms is a good idea, just avoid the cold season.

Good luck!

My dear carfour, you will make it Inshaalah, don't worry, if your intention is clear towards God, you'll get what you want. "Fa,idha aazamta, fatawakkal aalallah"...

Allah maak !
27 March 2007 04:08
If you like museums, washington DC is a good destination

but look at packaged deals

the good thing about D.C. is that it has a lot of minorities even the presence of irish american is limited

so no body will give u any kind of look and attitude whatsoever.

if more info needed, let me know

good luck dude
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
2 April 2007 17:42
aslam alykom wa rahmato allah wa barakatoh

thanks for every one who give interst to my issue but i still have one more qst

if my son have a american nationality or a new ziland nationality what adventege for both of them for parents and the also the child sepecially i will back to live we i'm living know i wnt just that my beaby have other nationality other than moroccan !

allah yjazikom anni khaira aljazaee

ur brother carfour
3 April 2007 02:57
Salam Carfour !!
first , i congratulate you for your strong faith, you're the kind of girls we need to represent us abroad, YOU JUST KEEP YOU HIJAB ON !! you're on the right path, as for your trip to the United States, i think there's no problem with hijab so don't worry and don't give a damn about what some people say about it, don't be scared because as long as you're respecting the rules you'll be safe wherever you go,i think the best place to go is the southern states (Dixieland as they call it in the States) you can visit some wonderful places and admire the splendors of the south, sure other places are beautiful but in this part of year the south's the best place, you can visit California too in the west it's warmer ...don't forget to bring me something nice !!! LOL we say (Nasi7a bi Jamal)= an advice's worth a camel !
3 April 2007 17:42
Shelby... I was sure carfour is a man.
By the way Carfour, if you really want your child to have any foreign nationality, you have to analyze the pros and cons. and forget about searching for a touristic place to live, try to find a place where you can aget a decent job.
Maybe Europe is most suitable, you never know what can happen in the future.
4 April 2007 16:03
thanks shelby and riffman for ur advice

shelby thanks for ur message to my wife
riffman about europe and usa it's diffecult to live there with our aspect as pur muslim familly like in saoudi arabia there sepecilly after 11th sep but ther was many contry who accept poeple whatever ur religion or ur aspect i was in south africa last 2months it was really good exzmple for freedom there is many moske to pray and enven pray of friday they do it and there are many muslims who there wifes where full hijjab and i was very happy there but and this is the most emportent thing there is no security in all the contry u can see every where u go some accident of killing and all the malls and shops close at 6pm maximum even the parks and the origine people are affred there they can not live ther kids go out sid alone even if they ar big '

so i comback cause i cant risk my life and my familly lifes even if ther is many advantge in this beautiful country
and i think that new ziland is one of contries who gives freedom of people as ther religion not like in other places and even arabic one like in our country we was there for holiday the police follow as every where we go like we r friends of ben laden and since that time i dindit back to morocco
ur brother
5 April 2007 02:41
thank you Mr carfour, you're totally right when it comes to those things you said about Morocco, it's true that even here in Morocco people who look more "religious" are persecuted especially now after what happened lately in Casablanca, hatta fi bladna kayna al ghorba, believe me nobody's safe these days ...wish you all the best and may Allah Almighty guard you as well as your wife and kids !
6 April 2007 01:24
i have hijab wearing friends who went in san francisco, ti was a great trip for all them
they found very respectful and nice people

don't matter, expect texas and nevada, you have not to worry a lot of your welcoming
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