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16 March 2006 06:56

from now on people in morocco can order a sheep online for the feast of sacrificeCool...the price includes the delivery!.... Isn’t great...

very practical for busy people and good concept for making moneysmiling smiley....

Check it out : []
16 March 2006 08:27
This website idea really got me confused. I don't know what to think of it? good or bad??

Anyway, I think that most people who don't have time to buy a sheep the traditional way (souk) won't even celebrate the Eid. I might be wrong.
16 March 2006 09:08
At least in the cheep world, there is some advances.
Those dealing with cheeps are using IT. While many dealing with human being are still
fighting illiteracy.
We have 2% using the internet and 48 % who can not write and read. What a gap ?????
16 March 2006 09:19
At least in the cheep world, there is some advances.
Those dealing with cheeps are using IT. While many dealing with human being are still
fighting illiteracy.
We have 2% using the internet and 48 % who can not write and read. What a gap ?????

hahahahahagrinning's funny...but true......
16 March 2006 10:15
it is very good Idea. whoever did this is a genius. people abroad can find those prices very cheap if they want send gift to somebody in Morocco. the Problem is: can they accept the dollar? and how?
16 March 2006 18:42
Nice! If it's on-line, credit cards must be accepted then!...though when I celebrated eid of sacrife in morocco this year, after ten years missing it, "I" didn't feel the excitment and far7a, I used to have just 10 years ago..THat was sad! adding to that the familiar story of many ppl borrowing money to buy the biggest sheep they could...was really sad to see the competition misplaced!
But, still good idea for the busy, they don't have to touch it...what's next: have it killed, cut and cooked midium-well!?

I prefer the old fashioned way!
16 March 2006 22:16
Hi everyone,
I really think this is an aburd idea!!! since our childhood, l'aid had been a special memory. i remember i had to choose it myself, i used to go to the market with my father, and chosse the one i like the most. it's all about the tradition and our ways to do things. Modernization is killing our roots, somehow this is not something to be done over the net, it's special!!!!
16 March 2006 22:19
i want to add that this is great for people abroad, but not something to be done in morocco, you dont want to miss the opportunity to go and get in the market mess yourself!!!! it has so much charm!
19 March 2006 15:30
I guess Morocan dont buy cheep just for el EID. you have mariages and parties.
i guess this site could help anybody that want to offer cheep to others, you can see they have deliveries in so many towns in Moroccco.

it will be helpfull for those from rabat that want to marry in casa, you can imagine buying cheep through the internet, you dont need ELHDIA from rabat to casagrinning smiley.

but i doubt good service, you know farmers in morocco they cheat you while you watching, think if you trust them, and send them mony by internet... are u crazy. they will send you a dog insted of cheep.grinning smiley
19 March 2006 19:33
I guess Morocan dont buy cheep just for el EID. you have mariages and parties.
i guess this site could help anybody that want to offer cheep to others, you can see they have deliveries in so many towns in Moroccco.

it will be helpfull for those from rabat that want to marry in casa, you can imagine buying cheep through the internet, you dont need ELHDIA from rabat to casagrinning smiley.

but i doubt good service, you know farmers in morocco they cheat you while you watching, think if you trust them, and send them mony by internet... are u crazy. they will send you a dog insted of cheep.grinning smiley

Come on Aziz there are very honest farmers in Morocco you should never generalize people are not the same and remember those farmers are the ones who work harder and most of them rahoum gharqin f elqard el fila7i it is not easy to raise sheep back home so these people deserve something good. For the website i find it nice as someone stated before if you want to send someone dear to you a little gift from wherever you are, i guess it is nice and it is a bout time farmers are using technology to market their products I find it a good starting point.
20 March 2006 10:45
Hi everybody,

I add to fabaraw's input that internet business is almost based on trust...the owner knows if the farmers cheat one client he will lose a lot of potential clients since people in our country talk a lot about bad experiences......
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