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Anglais Très bon Exigé
18 October 2010 18:45

Je consulte les offres dans mon secteur et je constate que le bilinguisme est exigé...Anglais Très bon Exigé quand ce n'est pas le cas que faites vous pour y remédier ( sans vs rendre dans un pays anglophone).
18 October 2010 19:54
Il faut le dire en Anglais ou le plus proche a le dire.Oh
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
18 October 2010 21:06

i check the offers in my domain and i note that bilingualism is required ...good english required
what do you do about it .

ps: can u correct me thanx

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/19/2010 10:10 by adare.
22 October 2010 00:05

I check the offers in my domain and I noted that bilingualism is required ...good english is required
what do you do about it ?

ps: can u correct me thanx

Good evening,

Maybe you should start by evaluating your level, then try to see what could works better for you.

Sometimes, when companies require a certain level of biligualism, it's just a way to discourage candidates who apply for a job.

Go ahead answer them and do your best for the interview. If they ask you '' do you speak english?'' say '' yes I do''... then when they ask you '' what's about your level?'' you just have to answer '' let's avaluate me '' (it's a positive attitude).

Good luck !
23 October 2010 17:22
thank u Kabi101 for this answer and ur correction smiling smiley

the interview in english is a nightmare for me, recruteur were testing me to oral.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/23/2010 05:25 by adare.
30 October 2010 02:08

I think what you need to assess is your verbal reasoning level in English. You should try and assess your abilty to read, think and report orally everything you'd understood. But in order to be sure you're doing it the right way, you need someone with good English standard to hear your speech, and correct you when necessary. Target your mistakes. You can do so by sorting out errors in sentences you write. Check the words order in your sentences/phrases, and questions. When you attend an interview, the most simple you express things, the better you will be at the interview.

As an example, you should say : "The recruiter was testing my ability to speak English" or "the recruiter was testing my oral expression", not "recruteur were testing me to oral". If there were several people interviewing you, then you should say "The recruiters were...."

Instead of evaluate, you can use assess too : evaluation = assessment. You sit for a test in order to be evaluated / assessed.
31 October 2010 17:34

I think what you need to assess is your verbal reasoning level in English. You should try and assess your abilty to read, think and report orally everything you'd understood. But in order to be sure you're doing it the right way, you need someone with good English standard to hear your speech, and correct you when necessary. Target your mistakes. You can do so by sorting out errors in sentences you write. Check the words order in your sentences/phrases, and questions. When you attend an interview, the most simple you express things, the better you will be at the interview.

As an example, you should say : "The recruiter was testing my ability to speak English" or "the recruiter was testing my oral expression", not "recruteur were testing me to oral". If there were several people interviewing you, then you should say "The recruiters were...."

Instead of evaluate, you can use assess too : evaluation = assessment. You sit for a test in order to be evaluated / assessed.

My, your English is almost perfect! Well done! smiling smiley
Lah ibarek f'aamar sidi ^^
31 October 2010 19:38

I think what you need to assess is your verbal reasoning level in English. You should try and assess your abilty to read, think and report orally everything you'd understood. But in order to be sure you're doing it the right way, you need someone with good English standard to hear your speech, and correct you when necessary. Target your mistakes. You can do so by sorting out errors in sentences you write. Check the words order in your sentences/phrases, and questions. When you attend an interview, the most simple you express things, the better you will be at the interview.

As an example, you should say : "The recruiter was testing my ability to speak English" or "the recruiter was testing my oral expression", not "recruteur were testing me to oral". If there were several people interviewing you, then you should say "The recruiters were...."

Instead of evaluate, you can use assess too : evaluation = assessment. You sit for a test in order to be evaluated / assessed.

i thank you for the advice,i also noticed something that i have to repeat the people has spoken, because to my ear half the words are swallowed.
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