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anyone flying to marrakech with atlas blue on 6th april?
9 March 2008 01:31

just wondering if anyone's going to marrakech with atlas blue on 6th april. reason for my question is not sheer curiosity, but rather worry: i've booked a ticket on that flight, but it's now been taken off the website. trying to call atlas blue, but no answer. is anyone else in this situation? i'm wondering if they haven't just cancelled the flight without letting people know (according to several forums, it wouldn't be unusual for them to do so) thanks
9 March 2008 14:29
I don't think you should worry. If you have called their offices yesterday there is a chance they don't operate on weekends, it happened to me with la RAM before. Try calling them on Monday morning and quote your flight number. If you have paid online your bank protects you and atlas blue should refund you since you must have the confirmation of your flight. Just don't panick and everything will be fine. Good luck.
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
9 March 2008 21:19
I spoke to them on Friday & they took their time to answer the phone but answer they did
Do call & find out they do cancel but they should email you if so ,me going on the 9th
10 March 2008 17:29
thanks for your help, atlasmagic. i got through to them today, they said that everything was fine, and the flight had been taken off the website because it's fully booked. also said that they would contact me in case of a cancellation......fingers crossed. cheers
10 March 2008 21:17

Very good, that except the one time they cancelled a flight they are good & even over this situation their call center was good & did listen once i explained our situation .....
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