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Anyone from Boston ?
13 September 2007 17:07
Ramadan Moubarak to all,
I would like to know if anyone lives in Boston, because I'm planning to go there and have couple questions about school and accomodation.
Thank a lot
13 September 2007 21:29
crying( no one from Boston, unbelievable Oh
14 September 2007 13:00
It's not unbelievable on this site where the majority of participants live in Europe. In fact, you might be the only one from America that i know smiling smiley

Are you moving there full time? are you fed up with DC?
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
14 September 2007 14:20
Hello, smiling smiley
thanks for being here to answer me all the time grinning smiley
yea DC is expensive, everything is expensive, espcially transportation, I use the metro and that's a lot, so Boston is nice, they have a very good school, Boston College, I have a friend who went there on an exchange, she loves it but this girl is paying a lot though, like she lives on campus, she pays 4000$ for four months,insurance 750$, ou zid ou zid, that's a lot, i'm still thinking about it, but I need to move there to find opportunities for law school, that's what I wanna do, and hopefully Harvard inshaallah, as u know Harvard is in Massachusetts as well,
I'll think about it smiling smiley
there are a lot of Moroccan in Boston smiling smiley another friend who went there told that like in Satrbucks there, the manager is Moroccan, the servants are Moroccans and the clients as well (tm)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2007 06:39 by cranberry.
15 September 2007 01:23
Hello, smiling smiley
thanks for being here to answer me all the time grinning smiley
yea DC is expensive, everything is expensive, espcially transportation, I use the metro and that's a lot, so Boston is nice, they have a very good school, Boston College, I have a friend who went there on an exchange, she loves it but this girl is paying a lot though, like she lives on campus, she pays 4000$ for four months,insurance 750$, ou zid ou zid, that's a lot, i'm still thinking about it, but I need to move there to find opportunities for law school, that's what I wanna do, and hopefully Harvard inshaallah, as u know Harvard is in Massachusetts as well,
I'll think about it smiling smiley
there are a lot of Moroccan in Boston smiling smiley another friend who went there told that like in Satrbucks there, the manager is Moroccan, the servants are Moroccans and the clients as well (tm)

hi there;

i went to boston on holidays and it depends on the starbucks you go to... i want to one which was managed by caucasians.

as for the city, it's greaaaaaaaaaaaat but a bit expensive, especially the city center with all its universities. but i was on holidays so maybe you'll find good opportunities for students.
Il faut se garder de trois fautes : parler sans y être invité, ce qui est impertinence ; ne pas parler quand on y est invité, ce qui est de la dissimulation ; parler sans observer les réactions de l'autre, ce qui est de l'aveuglement. [Confucius]
15 September 2007 05:41
I'm from America. :-)
15 September 2007 05:43
I'm from America. :-)
15 September 2007 05:50
No . I'm in West Virginia, I was just replying to MinnieMouse about knowing anyone from USA.
15 September 2007 05:51
oh I was accepted to James Madison University a long time ago but didn't wanna go there because it was quiet far from dc
15 September 2007 15:47
Cranberry, you seem to know more people from Boston than anyone else smiling smiley

if your friends like it there and have encouraged you to go, you should give it a go, especially if DC is too expensive and if college in Boston is as good as the one is DC.

You sound like a really ambitious girl and i'm sure you're brilliant at your studies! i think law studies are a fantastic option and i know there are golden opportunities for law graduates in America just like in England. I wish you all the best! smiling smiley

WvBeauty, welcome to the forum! u moroccan? how's life in West Virginia??
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
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