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The best optical illusion in the world
8 December 2006 15:44
Science VS Religion


Brilliant !
8 December 2006 17:20
RELIGION IS AN IMPORTANT ETHIC TO CONSIDER IN ANY SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. With an ethic, science can avoid to be a real illusion.

Just an example, stem cells research, especially embryonic, religious say NO and are right.
Religion is a light for scientists not a darkness.
9 December 2006 05:24
Milk with calcium is brilliant ROFL !
9 December 2006 05:27
This video could be applied to every religion. It simply looks at religion from the angle of reason, if you're sane, you've asked yourself those questions already and probably keep asking them. But religion is about beliefs, knowledge is about reason, those two are not really opposed but are not exactly compatible.

Faith is a choice, we choose to believe, the minute you start applying pure logic to those beliefs, unless you're insane, they're stop making sense.
Everything we know, everyone we've been taught from school to university tells us that the idea of a deity is irrational, can not exist in the realm of science. But religion isn't about sense, about reason, it's just the opposite, it's there to structure the irrational in us.
It does so by providing a imaginary realm where everything is preordained, where the inexplicable is explained with "don't ask" type of answers, because it's the whole point : you're not supposed to ask or question, you're supposed to believe, end of story.

Logic tells us this : we believe in something that we have never seen, will never see because it only exists in our heads.
But we're not always logical, far from it, so faith serves the part of us that is irrational, illogical.
Religion is the antechamber of reason and knowledge, what we don't know, we explain by divinity. What is explained is upgraded to knowledge and stop being a belief.
Science will never be able to explain everything so we'll still need to believe and therefore religion will always be around in some form or another.

In the end, we are a highly emotional species, so we need to contain them somehow because some of them are detrimental to others around us, so religion played and is still playing a role in balancing them with very simplistic stimuli even the dummest among us can fathom, "behave or you'll go to hell" usually does the trick.smiling smiley

Each of us finds a balance in faith at one time or another, no human can really say "I don't believe", there's always the nagging question of "what if" that makes us humans. The thing is not to take all of it too seriously, the symbolism and imagery is just there to add poetry to the whole thing, but if you take things litterally, your brain starts to atrophy, you feel like burning flags, tyres, some go so far as to slit others' throat, film it and air the videossmiling smiley

Anyway, that's the way I see it.
9 December 2006 18:44
Science VS Religion


Brilliant !

Brilliant in what sense? that God is imaginary?!

Well I dont know why but I'm not suprised to hear that from you!

and I completly agree with you efaycal "religion is an important ethic to consider in research!its a light not a darkness! ".
11 December 2006 01:03
Hi all,

It’s easy to say it’s a coincidence...because if we ask ourselves what is the coincidence?! and why particular things happen in a particular place ….at particular time and to a particular person?!….then the explanation will be more complicated than a coincidence or an illusion ….the comparison with a jug of milk is more talking about food than Godeye rolling smiley.....
14 December 2006 08:13
TOO BAD the narrator was lacking to be his own definition of a man :

smart and educated

when you read the holy books you will see more than a jug of milk
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
8 January 2007 17:20
Science VS Religion

The optical illusion is not brilliant but rather sad in my opinion : after years of praying to God and miscellaneous Saints, I have obtained very little satisfaction .However prayer is a powerful source of
strength and hope...In that way, it makes us feel good, and its not a waste of time..Angel


Brilliant !
9 January 2007 10:13
Illuion or not, all depends on each mans´s intellect.
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