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Better off eaten by a shark than my homeland's worms !
2 May 2007 02:24
62 young Moroccan people have drown in the mediterranean last week, a real tragedy for their families in the region of Oujda city, north east of Morocco (for those who still think Oujda's an Algerian city or something), this news were not given any importance, it wasn't mentioned in any of the two wrinkly orphan channels we've got in Morocco, 62 persons among millions and i say millions who are ready to give what they've got to cross that beautiful white sea and touch the northern shore, they'were not sure if they would make it but they at least tried,...why in hell in this country our lives are so cheap, are we a low specie? some blew themseves out, some rather die in the sea and became a meal for fish, others go berserk swallow and smoke drugs, bennies, uppers, downers, hash, exstacy, you name it ...easy girls who don't care about being filmed on porn CDs by some goddamn alien as long as he's got enough money to feed her or get her panties? one big Question that is often asked and looks like we're not ready to answer or we just don't want to hear : WHY ?
2 May 2007 16:01

They are the big questions ,but no oneis willing to answer them ,life in Labled is unfortunately treated that way & if we keep going this way it will stay that way .
I know its on a diffrents subject ,but i was driving from Marrakech to Casa on a nice summer day clear skies ect & a body was on the side of the road ( has still a caryy bag on his hand) .
Cars speeding both ways & no one stopped & did not either but i could not stomk the fact that a humain being was lying & no one cared ,i had kids in the car but i could not just leave it 10 Km later i stopped & reported it to AlKayada.
When i told my friends they all warned me not to do it as in semilar situations the person who reports the accident is the first suspect !
The change is needed from within i feel ,we need to value our lives ,cultures & be proud ,poor may be but proud
2 May 2007 18:00

It is sad to hear this kind of news. It's sad to know that while some are enjoying the wealth of the country and still enriching themselves to this date, the rest is left behind.
It's sad to watch Moroccans starving in the Atlas mountains, dying from cold and hunger. It's sad to hear someone talk about democracy and hosting 10 millions tourist by 2010 while lot of Moroccans still live in caves. It's sad to to even think that one single person owns many palaces while many families of 5 live in a small room.
They talk about vote!! for whom? vote for a thief who took advantage of his public postion and stole millions of dollars and never cared about the rest!!
Vote for what? unless all the ministers and politicians leave their positions and give back the money that the stole, people shouldn't trust them. Those who don't fear their creator don't care about others.
Millions of families suffer back home and abroad. We left our families and friends back home becoz of those thiefs, millions drawned at sea becoz of those idiots. If they were honest citizens, Morocco and moroccans would be better off
This is sick

I'm out
3 May 2007 01:56
you got that right Mr Abu Yusef !
7 May 2007 03:03
why the hell you jump to conclusions so fast?
they spoke about it in the news, they said that 62 people drowned...
but honestly? the public doesnt care... these kind of things happen a lot... a lof of people are dumb enough to try to cross the border... in general, they find themselves later in a prison... or as fish food...

what do you want? it's poverty... it's bad... but what do you want? did you see all the money the country is spending to avoid this kind of things? all the helicopters, the patrol boats... the infrared detection devices...

sometimes they sneak into a truck and get torn to pieces... shit happens man...

what do you want? send the police to put all the poor people in prison in case they want to cross the border?

give a smart solution, we are all ears... it's sad... but we cant avoid this...
7 May 2007 18:05
This has been happening for the last 20 years or so. many boat owners made fortunes out of this business, both in spain and morocco. Among people who cross are men, women and children. They cross because they hope to start a new life from scratch. They see their old friends during the vacation driving luxury cars, eating in restaurants around the town, etc... People have dreams, even the poor I would say have more! With all the tech, and sofistications, in morocco what rules is the "money", I'm sure the devices can be turned off, if you "show them the money". How can we end this? easy, create more jobs, and follow the basics of Maslow. Just that will provide us of changes. And another thing, provide equality to all Moroccans indifferently of their origins whether they are chelhs, soussi, djeblis, riffis, arabs, chamali, gharbi, woman, man, etc.. Like they say... there is a solution of everything in this world, except for death.
7 May 2007 19:20
riffman?? have you been smoking or something?
you say that we should fight poverty? it's what we are doing... we spend our lives working to fight poverty...

but these guys arent starving... they want to leave to come back with a hot blonde and a nice car...

they dont give a damn about the country... all they want is to go to dream land where the streets are made of gold... where even the moron who collects the garbage makes tons of money...

i'm sorry, our lives arent so miserable... they are like "get rich or die trying"... the day they will think "work hard to the death"... this day, i will think about being really sad when i hear about such disasters...

until then, i think that the country is wasting too much money for these guys... just to please spain...
we could use this money for other stuff...
8 May 2007 07:33
The same goes for latinos trying to cross to the States. I think we have to look at the big picture here. What sets us apart in this human tragedy is how we are doing the dirty job for Europeans!
Let all of them cross the stairs and most natably help them jump off those walls around Sebta & Mliliya!! By far Morocco is the 1st country in history to prevent its pple from moving to a land of its own.
9 May 2007 18:14
LaMAsk, no I haven't been smoking lately. But, of course some do want to go to Europe just to get a blond chick without having to be married, and make lots of Euros , and then come in summer to show off, but there are other cases as well, and that is waht I am defending, equality and opportunities. MAybe you are right, the money used in this security, could be used to create more jobs.
take care
10 May 2007 03:17
riffman, it's just that we are fighting poverty our whole lives...

and you come to "complain" about pure results of poverty... we are working on it...

if i told you "we still have people who cant even write their own names"... you could tell me "eh, dude? we are building schools... we make tons of effort in this domain."

it's the same thing here, we have plenty of soldiers, policemen... and other associations working on these things...

and dont feel so sorry... there is much more miserable than that.
there is people crossing the desert to reach Europe... they get lost in the desert and die... they get robbed by some militias with jeeps and machine guns...

there is a lot of shit happening all over the world... there is miserable people... and other rich people who dont give a damn, or worse, who make money thanks to all this misery (slavery, cheap labor... Etc...)

but Morroco is doing real efforts... we got "nice people" working hard... the king is working hard on it... but it's a huuuuuge task...
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