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Car bomb found in central London
29 June 2007 13:13
A car bomb planted in central London would have caused "carnage" if it had exploded, police sources have said.
Officers carried out a controlled explosion on the device left in the busy Haymarket area of the capital.
"International elements" are believed to be involved, Whitehall sources told the BBC.
The silver Mercedes had been loaded with gas cylinders and has now been removed from the scene, close to Piccadilly Circus.
Officers carried out a controlled explosion after reports of a suspicious vehicle parked in Haymarket shortly before 0200 BST (0100 GMT).
The area was cordoned off while police examined what they described as a "potentially viable explosive device".
Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Britain faces "a serious and continuous threat".
He added the public "need to be alert" at all times.
The prime minister's comments were echoed by the new Home Secretary Jacqui Smith who has chaired a meeting of the government's emergency unit Cobra.
The BBC's Andy Tighe said the timing was significant coming a day after Gordon Brown became prime minister, and with the second anniversary of the 7 July bombings approaching.
A witness reported seeing gas canisters being removed from the car, a silver Mercedes, at around 0400 BST (0300 GMT).
Bouncers from a nearby nightclub said they saw the car being driven erratically before it crashed into a bin. They said the driver then got out and ran off.
Police sources have confirmed that gas canisters were involved in the incident, close to Piccadilly Circus.
But Scotland Yard has refused to comment on reports that a large number of nails were found in the car.
One police source said the bomb was a "big device" and posed a real and substantial threat to the area around Haymarket, which is in London's theatreland.
Dozens of forensic officers examined the scene and the car was removed for further examination.
Scotland Yard said detectives from Counter Terrorism Command were investigating the potential bomb plot and will be checking the CCTV in the area.
Police are believed to have also carried out a search of other key areas in the capital shortly after the discovery of the car.
A spokesman said: "Police were called to reports of a suspicious vehicle parked in Haymarket, shortly before 2am this morning.
"As a precautionary measure the immediate area was cordoned off while the vehicle was examined by explosives officers.
"They discovered what appeared to be a potentially viable explosive device. This was made safe."
Police say Haymarket is likely to remain closed for some time and severe travel disruption is predicted.
Piccadilly Circus Tube station is closed and trains are not stopping, while local bus services are being diverted.
The BBC's Daniela Relph, at the scene, said the heart of London was completely closed off and police officers were concentrating on keeping people away.
'No intelligence'
Professor Paul Wilkinson, a terrorism expert, said a passer-by had tipped off the police and officers would be concerned they did not have prior intelligence.
The current terrorism threat level has been classed as severe - meaning an attack is highly likely - since 14 August 2006.
Intelligence sources said they were keeping an open mind on who was responsible for the car bomb.
The BBC's security correspondent Frank Gardner said the incident had "come from nowhere" and that the driver of the car was now Britain's "most wanted".
He added that the police would be in charge of the investigation and that CCTV was the key to finding the "first clue" as to who was behind the attempted bombing.
John O'Connor, former commander of Scotland Yard's Flying Squad, told BBC News the incident bore all the "hallmarks" of a failed suicide bomb attempt. And it was "lucky" the police had received the tip-off .

Right guys, if you don't hear from me after tonight, pray for my soul which would be lost in a tube explosion crying(
29 June 2007 15:00
i have a question

is it possible that terrorism threat could be used by western governments for political reasons? for ex, to prepare the ratification of a law ? or something like this ...

it is not a point of view , i'm just considering the issue ....peace
29 June 2007 15:02

It seems like they ll never stop !!!
29 June 2007 15:10
i have a question

is it possible that terrorism threat could be used by western governments for political reasons? for ex, to prepare the ratification of a law ? or something like this ...

it is not a point of view , i'm just considering the issue ....peace

Do you mean like the police themselves would set this plot to scare people? I can't say it's impossible but in the current circumstances where the PM has just been replaced 2 days ago it'll be a bit too obvious and people would certainly think of the same thing.

This sounds genuine to me. Apparently the police were not planning to reveal this publicly but the news leaked out to the press.

It's really freaking me out now, I don't have the nerves to be sitting everyday in the tube wondering if today is going to be my day...
29 June 2007 15:42
well, i understand.. it's not easy to live in a place like london (i presume u live there)

but, one never knows when and where "the end" will be sheer up ...ou khaliha 3la allah
29 June 2007 16:08
more embarassement for muslims :-(
29 June 2007 16:14
Hicham_A ??

i dont try to insult you or something, but your question is stupid...

happened before, and will happen tomorrow...
get some infos here:

interesting quote:

Terrorist attacks may sometimes be in fact false flag operations. In Operation Susannah (a.k.a Lavon Affair) in 1954, 13 Egyptians Jews working for Israeli military intelligence firebombed American and British properties in Alexandria and Cairo. The goal was to stifle any rapprochement between Nasser and the Western powers by leading them to believe that Egyptian nationalists were responsible for these terrorist attacks.
(it's just an example, i dont try to say that it's Israel or something funny like that...)

and if some dumb people think that it's false, get more infos about this operation:

and the false flag operations type arent new... Hitler used it to start the war... remember the Polish attack on a German radio station?
in fact, he send SS disguised as polish troops and left the body of a polish prisonner with the polish's army uniform...

and Vietnam, the battle in Tonkin... the history is long...

but anyway, i'm not suprised, it's in the human nature.

the economic elite who was living like god thanks to the economic exploitation invented the political class, to serve her interests... and today, you are slaves. but your minds and eyes are closed since you are born. so you dont even know what freedom is. you never saw it.

good luck boys and girls.
29 June 2007 16:57
I'm surprised to hear you say that my question is stupid and at the same time your answer goes for a "yes" to the question ....anyway

1. My question is meant to enhance the discussion and is not an opinion

2. The question is clear and mean exactly the actual political context in the west ...

3. more important, i invite you to read the topic "filthy language in this forum", hope you get it ...

29 June 2007 17:39
LeMask, I'm getting really hacked off with your pathetic intervetions. I'm usually very calm and don't allow myself to get snappy for silly comments but when they get more provocative well they become hard to ignore! telling someone that their question is stupid is an insult by the way! you are welcome to give your own opinion providing you stay civil and considerate to others. Accepting the difference is sign of civilisation and modesty is a virtue you know! you think you know more than anyone else on this forum when most of your arguments don't make sense and you end up contradicting yourself. And stop quoting those mediocre texts from the net, wikepedia is not an encyclopedia, it's just a tool out there which anyone like you and me can use to post any information, so it's not always accurate for your info, just in case you were planning to use it to answer questions at your exams.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/30/2007 01:19 by Minniemouse.
29 June 2007 17:43
Hicham_A? i'm sorry my friend, dont get mad at me.

i just think that it's "not intelligent" to even ask that... the answer is so obvious.

by the way, do you think that there is chances that the world is not flat? ...

you see? the answer is clear. some people think that it's impossible... they are naive and misinformed. and you cant "educate" them without being called a propagandist...

PS: if i wanted to call you stupid, i would have done it in a direct way. i just think that it's not smart to ask this question...
dont be afraid, just speak your mind... the governments have no credibility. it can be terrorists, like it can be some criminals working for someone in the state or the economic elite... or terrorists used by the state... and bla bla bla...

anyway, i'm deeply sorry. it wasnt in my objective dont disrespect you or anything.

and i give you more:

Title:US agents try to smuggle C4 into G8 as a "test"

Sources told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa that US security men tested German security by trying to smuggle C4 plastic explosive past a checkpoint at Heiligendamm. (LeMask: G8 meeting)

German surveillance machinery detected the tiny stash in a suitcase in a car and the Americans in plainclothes then identified themselves. German police declined comment.
full article:

you see that? i call it a foiled terror attack... in fact, what happened, is that US agents tried to bomb the G8... but they got caught, and took out their ID cards "we are Americans, just a joke... just a test! LOL... see ya!"

29 June 2007 18:10

i asked a general question and you are saying it's obvious, what's obvious ? all the "terrorist" attacks were done by the western governments?? At the same time, you say it could be anyone... this is contradictory ... i was not talking about the last incident... i wanted to enlarge the scope of the topic so please read the comments before answering..

Also, maybe we should educate ourselves before pretending being able to educate others

At last, please don't give yourself the right to insult people you don"t know, this i s a forum and it is supposed to be a chance to discuss and exchange points of view, freely.
29 June 2007 18:28
Minniemouse, for me it wasnt an insult, and i said i was sorry if it was misinterpreted.

and i know that Wikipedia isnt the most correct source of information. but it's neutral and there is people to check out the sources Etc...

you can check yourself...

and Hicham_A... that's not the point. i never said "all terror attacks were done by X"... i just said that everything is possible, and that we will never know.
it can be anyone... even the government...

so it's a waste of time to say "could it be the government to manipulate..." the answer is "of course, it happened in the past and will happen in the future..."

it's a world of lies... you have to be well aware of it.
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