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british society
1 June 2009 11:17
i live in england and i found out that british people are very warm and friendly
the opposite of what i used to hear about them what do you thinkperplexe
1 June 2009 13:34
...It all depends on how long you lived in the UK... It also depends if you have lived, worked, studied with any of them etc.. In addition to this, it very much depends where you live within the UK! Is it the North, the South, East?...

Everywhere you go, you tend to find people of all sorts.

If you go to Germany, Germans from the north tend to be less friendly, however if you go to the South to the Region of Bavaria, things are very much different... Same in Spain, Andalucia is not Catalunya, Aragon is not Asturias and Galicia etc ... I found myself having many arguments with some tossers in Paris, but once you are in the country side people are a lot friendlier with you even if you are a Moroccan ...

So my lovely Salma, it all depends on what geographical location we are talking about. smiling smiley
1 June 2009 13:42
hi there
thanx for you reply
well yes i do understand what you mean
i ve been to france lately in the north
and people there are not friendly at allNo no
especially if you are a moroccan (maghrebin)
i live in luton
and there is a big asian community here
so i dont feel no difference
the opposite i feel at home
i ve been living in here like 10 years nowBye
1 June 2009 17:43
knock knock
anybody else????Heu
1 June 2009 18:53
i visit UK very often because of my job also have family there , what i have noticed is : people are friendly specially young generation but the old ones, senior citizens are racist specially the ones who lived through the war they don t likie immigrants and they show it Oh
5 June 2009 19:53
i m 100% agree with u whatsup
6 June 2009 14:39

im in london since almost 45 days ago, i was worried about living here and deal with english people but like what salma said, till now they are nice young or old ones,
is right that maybe is a first impression.

to salma: i tried to send u a private ms g but i cannot do it, i live in london as i said and no fried till now, i miss talking with moroccans and i hope we meet one day.
I live in acton town with my husband, just both of us.
hope i read from u soon,
8 June 2009 10:22
hi there
sorry i ve been away for quite sometime
well i live in luton
and i would love for us to become friends
cheersthumbs up
8 June 2009 10:26
i just want to tell you that here in britain you re not allowed to show any racism
so mr watsup i think that you re just exagerating a bit
it is illegal in the uk to point to somebody by telling names like (black) ...No no
the person could easily go to the police station and accuse you of being racist
9 June 2009 13:53
hey salma again

i ve wrote to u a msg in ure private box, i hope u ve read it.
9 June 2009 13:59
hi there
i havent received any msg
what was it about???perplexe
9 June 2009 14:41
hi, salma
i ve tried again i hope this time it works,

9 June 2009 14:43
i ve got it thanx
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