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Who broke the ceasefire? (Gaza)
8 January 2009 15:28
Hello ladies and Gentlemen

I'm not the kind to start threads... I'm just not the kind to care.

But I'm really pissed, because I'm sick and tired to see lies and lies all over the news.

So I ask you to help by just telling the truth when you have to.

It was Israel who broke the ceasefire by sending a commando to waste some men working for Hamas.

And here is some easy material to prove this, a little video on youtube, it's CNN... So they cant do shit calling us liars...

If the link isnt working the title of the video is:
CNN: Israel Broke Gaza Cease-Fire
the video is on youtube

And if you find interesting sources in other languages, mainly french, go ahead and post it... Because there is too many jokers in the other part of the forum... they are more interested in expressing their feelings than to look for intelligence...

Give them hell!

if you have sources telling otherwise etc... please share.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/08/2009 03:30 by LeMask.
10 January 2009 12:48
This is not new in justifying terrorising poor nations around the world. Where is the UN now?

When are the Arab leaders going to move their fat asses from their seats and help those people to get the basics of life medicines, food and water?
When are they going to request the right for the Palestinians to live in their homes in peace?
When are they going to take a step in helpping and stop talking?
Watch the flipping Arab news all what they do is talk. It has been like that since 1948 its about time to either resign to the conflict and say we are a bunch of wankers; let them have the land and lets move those poor human being elsewhere or bring it on lets help the fight and support it financially, physically, morally and with the faith to win.

Name it they have done it before:

They tried to fight without solidarity but that didn’t get them anywhere
They swore and spited at the Israelis behind their backs but that didn't get them anywhere
They held rallies and demonstrations years after years but that didn’t get them anywhere
They boycotted products and programs but that didn’t get them anywhere
They wrote magazines articles on the colonisation, news papers and books but that didn't get hem anywhere
They exploded themselves and their children but that didn't get hem anywhere
They started terrorism at home and terorised themselves futher but that didn’t get anywhere

What’s next?
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
10 January 2009 14:41
"Ine Tansourou ALLAHA yansorkome wa3 yota3bite akdamakome"

Did we glorify ALLAH? Did we respect our faith? Did we....? Did we ...?
the answer is NO. So we won't defeat our ennemy, we won't liberate our land till we wake up. Till we Muslims from Jakatra to Marrakech realize that our ennemy is the same.
10 January 2009 14:53
As a matter of fact this has nothing to do with relegion buddy. faith or no faith.
The Arab palestinains are not all Muslims; we are supporting them just because they are human beings and we are Muslims we don't like or accept "alhogra" such as the "colonisation"
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11 January 2009 06:34
Wake up min L'Galba!

...Yes this has everything to do with religion, when AL QUDS is at stake..and when Mosques are being bomabarded left and right...the Zionist did not just pick the place for fun, they too think it's their holly land and that has everything too do with religion...and they did not include in their plan to acquire a land from The Nile to the Forath by some random act of kindness... the christians also consider it their Holly land and they much rather see it under jewish control than under Islam control...

You know, It's sadening to see that the filthy Zionists have figured out that unifiying their people around a common denominator, their relgion, would create the strongest bond and support for their New Tiny State...And that the Muslim/Arab world have not figured out yet that their mighty empire only got dismantled when they have neglected their religion....because they were either too deaf or too blind to hear or see the words of God " Ya ayoha alldina Amanou Oudkhoulou Fi silmi Kaafatan Wa la tafarra9ou"....and " Wa ta3awanou 3ala albirri wa Ta9wa wala tata3wanou 3la l'ithmi wa l'3odwane"... or may be we are not really mou2minine at all...

Mr adds: Try to elect a muslim or a jew to the White House or to the EU, or a christian ( and nevermind a muslim) to the Knisset...and I pomise you the truth you have been sleeping through all these years, will hit you in the face like a bloody Runaway F15 ...

Somebody please wake me up! if the whole concept of Israel, is not the Creation of a JEWISH STATE...and if that still does not have anything to do with relgion Mr. adds, Then Mohammed (pbuh) and the Quran do not have anything to do with Islam either

Ma hada? Allahoma, Khood Basari wa Sam3i... Wala robama kanat Jahanama ahwano 3ani!
11 January 2009 13:12

Adds, i want to reply to your comment but what can i say to someone living in a world of imagination.
i only want you to read deeply the following HADITH " Kitabo ALLAH fihi naba3o ma kablakome wa khabaro ma3 ba3dakome. Howa alfaslou walaysa bi alhazli. mane ibtara al houda mine rayrihi adallaho ALLAH"

Vagabondo: you deserve all my respect. May ALLAH almighty bless you.
11 January 2009 15:03
kamal a
"Ine Tansourou ALLAHA yansorkome wa3 yota3bite akdamakome"

Did we glorify ALLAH? Did we respect our faith? Did we....? Did we ...?
the answer is NO. So we won't defeat our ennemy, we won't liberate our land till we wake up. Till we Muslims from Jakatra to Marrakech realize that our ennemy is the same.

Assalamou alykoum,

The state of the Muslim oumma shows in al-Quds asharif. Since we went away so far from religion and from God, hence we have lost Palestine and we have reached a low. When we return to Allah Subanahu Wa Taala, correct ourselves, remove oppression between ourselves, and submit to Him then we will gain Palestine back. The sunna of Allah is always the same.
11 January 2009 15:37
I am not talking about that (the start of the colonisation) or how the Christians Buddhist Muslim... You know I can accept the idea of unity. Weather as Muslims or as Wollies as long as we are united as "ouma"
How would you solve that problem otherwise? By creating a Muslim state!!! Shall we do that now or tomorrow or next year?
Its ok it’s not your mother, brother or someone close to you who is suffering. If you bothered reading my previous post you will know where I am coming from and why I don’t want to bring the religion into it.
Really, really who needs to wake up and stop dreaming; Israel and the West are there to stay; it’s kind of too bloody late to dwell on it now. The wish of an Islamic empire is only a dream.
The Muslims leaders are too bloody selfish to give up all that power, wealth, pleasures and support from the West.
Who are the true Muslims these days? You have to go to Mecca to witness how today’s Muslims are behaving in a holly place while they are asking for forgiveness.
It’s a big joke; we are going in circles trying to catch our short vision or tail. We are not sure yet.

Howa yashkilih be la3gor o lak7or kaye swallo ashk7bar lawlidate: The man is dwelling over the misfortune of sterility, the other one is asking him how are the kids?
Please forgive my views if they have offended you in anyway.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
11 January 2009 16:07
I am not talking about that (the start of the colonisation) or how the Christians Buddhist Muslim... You know I can accept the idea of unity. Weather as Muslims or as Wollies as long as we are united as "ouma"
How would you solve that problem otherwise? By creating a Muslim state!!! Shall we do that now or tomorrow or next year?
Its ok it’s not your mother, brother or someone close to you who is suffering. If you bothered reading my previous post you will know where I am coming from and why I don’t want to bring the religion into it.
Really, really who needs to wake up and stop dreaming; Israel and the West are there to stay; it’s kind of too bloody late to dwell on it now. The wish of an Islamic empire is only a dream.
The Muslims leaders are too bloody selfish to give up all that power, wealth, pleasures and support from the West.
Who are the true Muslims these days? You have to go to Mecca to witness how today’s Muslims are behaving in a holly place while they are asking for forgiveness.
It’s a big joke; we are going in circles trying to catch our short vision or tail. We are not sure yet.

Howa yashkilih be la3gor o lak7or kaye swallo ashk7bar lawlidate: The man is dwelling over the misfortune of sterility, the other one is asking him how are the kids?
Please forgive my views if they have offended you in anyway.

A Muslim oumma is not a dream, but a coming reality in shaa Allah. This is not my word, but the promise of Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala. It will not happen with this generation anyway, but hopefully that Muslims will wake up and return in repentance to their Lord if they want Him to give them victory. Even if the state of the oumma leaves much to be desired with all the diseases that rotten it, we should not be defeatists nor pessimistic. Each one of us make peace with God and He will take care of the rest.


PS: I am not a dreamer, I'm talking from a religious conviction regardless of our corrupt leaders, betrayals between Muslims and all the filth that plagues our society.
11 January 2009 18:15
Salam oulaikoum

I have to tell you just one thing, everyone of us has his part of reponsibility to fulfill.
Zionists have been working on their project for long ago when arabs were asleep. but now (al hamdolillah) these generations of arabs and muslims everywhere are more and more aware of their situation, which have to be changed, and they are working hard to make change come sooner. we don't care about our governements coawrdice. The cycle of life won't stop because some governments "are puting sticks in the wheels" if I can say. things will be changed in pite of them.

I invite all english speaking to multiplify their visits to english speaking forums and post their contributions to contradict the Pro Israeli propaganda on the net. THIS IS A DUTY. Good luck !
11 January 2009 19:53
I am not talking about that (the start of the colonisation) or how the Christians Buddhist Muslim....

Brother, If you ask any scientist or engineer who is not politically or finacially influenced, they will for sure tell you that the only way to Truly and permanently solve and fix any problem is to go to its very source( origin, start)...If my point is still not coming through, Then imagine yourself a decent surgeon...what would you do if your patients keep coming to you most of their lives complaining about chronic pain, would you just keep prescribing to them the most detrimental pain killers you stand to make a commision on from you pharmaceutical partners, or would you do your all you can to to eliminate the source of their pain...even if you don't stand to make as much money.

You know I can accept the idea of unity. Weather as Muslims or as Wollies as long as we are united as "ouma....

That is a very dangerous Satatement brother, and I wish not to agree with you on it. We should never just Unify for the heck of being unified. We should only unify around what is RIGHT and JUST...For God's words are self explanatory:" Ya ayoha l'adina amanou Ta3awanou 3ala lbirri wa tha9wa, wala tata3awamou 3la al ithmi wa al3odwane" there is a major diffrence between just being unified and being unified for the right reasons.

How would you solve that problem otherwise? By creating a Muslim state!!! Shall we do that now or tomorrow or next year?"

First brother, let me remind you what Allah says in his own words if you truly believe in him: "Wa Inna allha 3ala kolli shay2in la 9adir".

...Brother, The Gazans people know best what would really solve their problems, and I cannot Imagine The majority of Gazans are too insane to accept any viable solution to them if there were really a genuine one proposed to them...But I can say this on their behalf if I may, What they need from you and me in particular is that: if we are unable to support them, We should at least refrain from Stabbing them in their backs while kissing up to their ennemies...and they are calling for the rest of the world to just be FAIR and SQUARE with plain english, they are too sick of the Bullsh!t they have been dealt so far by the so called "UN-Civilised World".

Its ok it’s not your mother, brother or someone close to you who is suffering. If you bothered reading my previous post you will know where I am coming from and why I don’t want to bring the religion into it.?"

...No! it's not Ok!...because even if my own brother lay unjustly his hand over my Mother, I will break both his hands, even If I die trying...or even if I have to feed and clean him myself every day for the rest of my life...But I certainly would not just hand him what he desires on a golden Platter....Why because there is absolutely nothing above AL 7A9. and when you get the true meaning of that simple word, you will be able to clearly see even you were blind....

...And the more we run away from religion, the more we lose....we lose our mothers, we lose our brothers, we lose our own sons and daughters....and we lose ourselves for ever till yawma addine, Wa ma adrana ma yamo addine ya brother adds!?

Really, really who needs to wake up and stop dreaming; Israel and the West are there to stay; it’s kind of too bloody late to dwell on it now. The wish of an Islamic empire is only a dream.

Allah! .....Wa min asmae allah al hosna annaho howa "al 7alim". Soba7anka Ya allah! the Greatest and the Strongest, the All knowing himself is "7alim", 7alim that one day we will repent to him before we met him and before it is too late for us....if we only care to listen to his own words"! ... That is God brother adds....and who are we in comparison to him? not to dream and even worst to pretend that we know for sure what the future holds....Israel nor The West or the EU or China.... are here to stay brother, not you not me my friend are here to stay...there is only One TRUTH we know for sure brother : " Kolon man 3layaha Faanin wa yab9a wajho Rabbika dou l'jalaali wa l'Ikram".

....I will post the response to the rest of your post in a separte post due to the limit set on posts.
11 January 2009 20:34
Contunuation from my previous post...

The Muslims leaders are too bloody selfish to give up all that power, wealth, pleasures and support from the West..Who are the true Muslims these days? You have to go to Mecca to witness how today’s Muslims are behaving in a holly place while they are asking for forgiveness.
It’s a big joke; we are going in circles trying to catch our short vision or tail. We are not sure yet..

Do not mistankenly take The Current, Corrupt from head to toe, Arab Leaders for muslim leaders...the Majority of those leaders are puppets for the West, no more and no less...And do not get fooled by the fancy mosques that rival the tyrant's not get fooled by the Gold washed Quran ornating living room...Do not get fooled by the self proclaimed muslims, who steal from the weak, who get drunk every weekend, gambles, and engage in zina, and who lie from sunrise to sunset and even in their sleep. 7acha allah an yakouna hada ma amarana bihi So7anahou wa ta3ala...But there are more muslims than you think they are....because if there weren't, may be Allah would have done onto us as he has done onto the people of LOT and 3ad wa Tamoud...

One of the prominent muslim leaders who has earned his respect among the believers( and who was recently called back to his maker while he was prostating in his Friday's prayer) but he was was without a doubt dreaded by every transgressor holding on to what does not really belong to them.. he is a Cheikh Abdel Hamid Kish (Allah Yar7amou), and there are many others Folowing his foot steps...that are trying to stir the people back in the right direction....

keep in mind that Islam from its begining was built one person at a time...There was our prophet(pbuh) then his wife and best friend Abou Bakr...then Ali.....and then 3omar....and guess what? they have reached deep into Andalousia....not only that brother, there are also few people coming on their own from other is all only a matter of time...

And don't forget that your All mighty America ( just like Israel) had been built up by religious people who had fled europe from relgious prosecution... don't let them fool you into thinking otherwise....All of the Framing Fathers of America were people of Faith my friend.....So May be the muslims are next insha allah!

Howa yashkilih be la3gor o lak7or kaye swallo ashk7bar lawlidate: The man is dwelling over the misfortune of sterility, the other one is asking him how are the kids?

Wa kadalika kanat ayatou Syeedina Ibrahim wa zawjathou( pbuh) ma3a Allah...if only we care to take heed from Allah's examples...

Please forgive my views if they have offended you in anyway.
I genuinely ask for both your forgiveness and mine from Allah! and may he lead us all into the right path and keep us there(SWT)...
12 January 2009 14:38
Thank you for the detailed reply that is very kind may Allah bless you and your family brother. How do you know I don't read Koran or I don't understand Islam just because I don't follow your leader?
No need to preach to converters, the beauty of our religion is its simplicity and its difficulty at the sometime finding the pivot point requires brain dexterity.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
13 January 2009 03:18
How do you know I don't read Koran .

I DON'T, but I did not know either that telling another muslim to read the Quran was offensive itself, even if they read it everyday... just like even when a muslim prays all his prayers on time and on top of it all the 12 nawafel, and he/she is not sure about what to make of some incident...then there is no harm on telling them to praise to god, instead of giving them a wrong or false advices...

The only Reason I asked you to read the Quran, is beacuse of Allah's words:
" ...Alladina amanou wa tattma2inou 9loloubouhom bi Dikri allah Ala bi Dikri allah tattma2inoou l'9ouloub "

I still appologies if that had offended you in any way...

or I don't understand Islam just because I don't follow your leader?

My "leader" howa Al 7abib wa Al Amine Al Mostapha alladi orsila ra7matan lil 3aalamine"...wa ma adrana ma 'Ra7mat wa ma L'3aalamine? ...I certainly hope you follow the same leader

but let me know if you mean by "my leader" : Cheikh Abdel Hamid Kishk (Yar7amohou Allah) I may answer you on that and see where we disagree...and hopefully we will agree at the end either way...

"No need to preach to converters" .

Atta9a Allah si adds:

"There is No diffrence between converts, inverts, arabs, chinese, 2 meters Giants, or 2 feet dwarfs except in their piety"

the beauty of our religion is its simplicity and its difficulty at the sometime finding the pivot point requires brain dexterity.

The more reason we should not get offended when someone else tells us to read the Quran, even we have read it a thousand times....

Wallah! even if a Kafir, Athiest, Christian, or a Jew or even a Zionist like the idiots Bush or Blair, ask me to read the Quran, It would not offend me...because that is exactly what Allah wants us to do, and wants us to do so much of it...

But I genuinely appologize if my previous post had offended you in any way.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/2009 03:23 by Vagabondo.
13 January 2009 10:57
Not at all brother. You know me I don't take offence to anything. Coran is very interesting to read and to try and anderstand it too then to follow the commend accordingly.
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