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Is Bush an idiot ?
22 August 2006 07:37
Now, even his own side is asking the question. If you're unfamiliar with US tv, Scarborough Country is a right wing show, usually very pro-Bush. Check this out :

22 August 2006 11:50
it doesn't work
22 August 2006 12:28
I am sorry, We are the idiots
22 August 2006 12:49
I am sorry, We are the idiots

I think the américan people were idiot at elect bush once again is the evidence
22 August 2006 13:53
Ibn Hazm, you didn't get a video when you clicked on the hyperlink ?
22 August 2006 14:56
So we hear! But the left have been playing nothing but defense ever since he was selected! I think Idiocy or stupidity is a card that's been played by the right, at times, to get the public off their back. Amazing how many bad decisions have been taken; yet, the left seem to have the upper hand! WHat the right is doing with Bush an Co. is damage control! waiting for a sombody who will bring the U.S right back on track!

P.S Joe Scarborough; The host of the show was a former congressman; now looking only to stay on the air! All that matters to him : Ratings! He could be an idiot at times throwing big words just to start a debate and never end it! By hirring him and putting him on that slot, MSNBC is trying to rival the Other BIG IDIOT on FOX, Bill O'Rielly! Now, there's one real schmack for you. He'sthe voice of insanity and no logic! and of course according to him We're the idiots, every body but the Right Wing!
22 August 2006 14:58
Yani "shut up" ! Rings a bell ?
23 August 2006 02:27
Other than, SNL, Saturday night Live..Not really.
Give me another hint or just tell mesmiling smileyI amgetting dizzy with all the terminolgies getting mixed up in my headLOL
Unless you really mean to shut me upsmiling smiley in which case, I willsmiling smiley
23 August 2006 02:34
Georges is a wonderlful. I think, h'is the exemple that anyone can be a president of the world from america, if he got money and sympathies from the news paypers
I'm so sad to see that and i'm so happy that LINDA RONSTASDT got the same.
23 August 2006 03:01

Other than, SNL, Saturday night Live..Not really.
Give me another hint or just tell mesmiling smileyI amgetting dizzy with all the terminolgies getting mixed up in my headLOL
Unless you really mean to shut me upsmiling smiley in which case, I willsmiling smiley

Tell you to shut up ? No brother, 7acha ! No, I was hinting to O'Reilly that you had mentioned in your previous message. Jon Stewart even did a bid on that famous "shut up", that's how O'Reilly debates, by telling his guests to shut up if they disagree with him.
23 August 2006 07:27

Other than, SNL, Saturday night Live..Not really.
Give me another hint or just tell mesmiling smileyI amgetting dizzy with all the terminolgies getting mixed up in my headLOL
Unless you really mean to shut me upsmiling smiley in which case, I willsmiling smiley

Tell you to shut up ? No brother, 7acha ! No, I was hinting to O'Reilly that you had mentioned in your previous message. Jon Stewart even did a bid on that famous "shut up", that's how O'Reilly debates, by telling his guests to shut up if they disagree with him.

Got ya! Sorry I ruined the Jokesmiling smiley
AS I speak The daily show is on and and The segment "sounds bites" is just out of this world!

Back to O'Rielly, few months ago he walked off in the middle of an hour interview on NPR because his feeling were hurt... and recently he was on Letterman and David made him look and feel so minute it was so right! and lastly on Georgie, I have the "book" The Bushism that I read in between meals for some comic relief, the guy is just great being himself!
23 August 2006 14:49
Hi Yani,

Here's a link, watch N°3 entitled "O'Reilly at this best" :

23 August 2006 21:18
Hi Yani,

Here's a link, watch N°3 entitled "O'Reilly at this best" :


Hahaha. So much for "shut up" happening only once in the last years!
That bozo is a real idiot but he's fooling brainwashing lots of folks, I've got to admit!That's sad!
23 August 2006 22:40
Bush is annoyed at the lack of gratitude from the Iraqi people. After all, he has liberated them :

1 September 2006 19:21
Following the same question, the politico-financial establishment seems to be questioning the sanity of the White House policies as well, here's an interesting read :

11 September 2006 14:08
I wish i could give you a sophiticated answer... but the answer is "HELL YEAH !" sleeping
12 September 2006 11:08
ok, I know, I'm a bad bad boy for picking on him, but the press keeps serving them to mesmiling smiley :

12 September 2006 16:24
how can you deal with him for 2 long years, how can people be so stupid electing him twice ? who can get him down ? how can american still support him ? knowing all what they know, he made more evil than any other. who will be the winner regarding what the majority think ? we are expecting this election as the last solution to stop the "carnage" he's making in all the world. I'm not leaving in usa, but in France, and we have a hard choice to make too for the 2007 french elections.
13 September 2006 16:25
if bush was an Idiot, he won't govern a powerfull country. so he is a smart guy.
13 September 2006 16:42
Amadou, Bush isn't governing anything. I would say the pupeteer is Dick Cheney and he's working on behalf of a consortium of corporations. The US haven't been a democracy (in the true sense) in a long long time.
13 September 2006 16:46
if bush was an Idiot, he won't govern a powerfull country. so he is a smart guy.
dont underestimate the democratic system...
in a world of blind people ,one one-eyed man is a king...

you forget two things, the people caring for money, they would side with Bush, he is maybe a moron, but he is very good for bussiness...
the evengelist christians, (the ones supporting Israel)...
and then, the people who hate the democrates or the liberals...

they would vote for the devil if they have to, but they wont let anyone but Bush win...

and it happened twice...
at the second time, you could add the "support our troops" freaks... but also the Islamophobes and the freedom+democracy freaks (neo-conservatives)... and you get a total moron voted twice...
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