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bush's iraqi farewell
15 December 2008 11:57
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
15 December 2008 13:11
The first who should be thrown with shoes and be called a dog is the one who opened his arms wide to welcome the most wanted blood sucker of all history. Not only that but this coward has allow himself to sign an agreement with the occupant againt the will of the Iraqi people. It wans't signed at all to keep peace as claimed but to share the wellness of this rich country against protection of Nour al maliki, sorry DLAM al maliki and his gangs. He (dlam al maliki) even didn't know about bush presence in Iraq till he was called to meet his guest. Looks like bush has made a visit to california, florida or any other american state.
Shame on the other Iraqi journalists who apology to this blood sucker for what their colleague did. instead they should have boycot this press conference.
15 December 2008 15:15
……But Bush is a Hero; he liberated the country from there leader.Clap
The act of throwing shoes for the Iraqi is like giving the finger to someone in other countries. thumbs up#

I wonder if that guy managed to get his shoes back afterwards… He could be ready for Bush’s falakh2a otherwise.ptdr

Thanks Hicham
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
15 December 2008 15:18
Salam Hicham,

Oh my God, why is Bush so react?He could have made my day by getting thoses shoes right on his huge forehead!

The journalist has guts!

Poor President...

Kind regards,

Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
15 December 2008 22:50
Cheers Hicham

A shame that Muntadar al-Zaidi missed giving Bush his " Christmas presy "

I hope he wont be tortured locked up for a long time !
15 December 2008 23:15
I guess they are gnna ban schoes in Iraq now
16 December 2008 10:22
Salam all,

it is a pity he missed his face, what zaidi did is enough to humiliate any "normal" president of any country, any human being would at least have gone out from the press conference, but not this dumb jfjhdflpioezoui he just continued grinning as stupidly as ever...i was really upset when i heard a translation of what a young iraqi said supposedly, that we should not react like this and there is other ways to communicate.. this smart sfkjshkfhskj just forget to tell us how!! as if it was an issue between in-laws about a children fight or something..Bush-it represents the country behind the embargo reponsible of the death of 2 million children and the occupation and the ensuing disaster..
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
16 December 2008 10:41
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
17 December 2008 21:01
He was offered the job but he has no warranty he will live to be bailed out after that humiliation of the American Hero. All the Arab leaders need to through their shoes or blagh3i in support of this brave and stupid journalist with size 10 shoes.
Bush will respond in his way to this joke for certain he will though his size 2 sandals and he will not missa single one of them. He is not the man to miss about with and he has said that to Sadam and Ben laden.ptdrptdrptdr
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