Hi All,
over the past few years, Moroccan government is investing tremendous efforts and money towards the establishment of a new policy for creating new businesses. In fact, in almost no time at all, tens of organizations across the country, whose aim is to provide young and motivated entrepreneurs a wide range of services to help them accomplish their goal, have been put in place by local and international third parties. These services include incubation, finacial support, coaching to name a few. There are even new TV programs which go in parallel with this new policy only to feed the eagerness and motivation among young talents to create new businesses.
Thus, One of the problems that have occured to me, is the fact that newly graduate students and young profesionals have very little, or no knowledge at all, about the risks and opportunities they may have to face, if one day they decide to run on their own, that's why the struggle of the governement not only to provide an adequte plateform, but also to convince young potentials that creating new businesses and taking new challeneges is an opportunity to create plus value for the local economy.
I know most of the readers of this forum live in countries like USA, Canada or UE and have a different perspective about the subject, and I am opening this discussion to get your feedback about what can moroccans do and don't do to become as eager and willing to create new businesses, and what are the economic fields that you guys think are the most suitable to be invested in to thrive our economy.