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buying a house in Morocco
8 August 2007 12:00
i am planning to buy a holiday house in morocco , i would like yor opinion : which town shall i choose???
i am a bit confused and can t make my mind
your suggestions will be highly appreciated thanks smiling smiley
8 August 2007 12:11
What about Essaouira? It's a very quaint town with a bright future.
8 August 2007 14:20
Essaouira is absolutely gorgeous, i agree with Shireen. However, it has acquired a big notoriety in the last years thanks to all the cultural events and the excellent PR policy to promote tourism (that tells you that politicians can do things when they want to winking smiley ) so i'm not sure that houses are still affordable there, I notice that because i used to go every year and each time i'm stunned to discover that the rent cost has increased!

I think buying a house needs to be a well thought decision. You need to set a target such as what type of location you are after, number of population, do you want to be in a modern city or a small town near the beach or just a tiny village in the middle of nowhere lol (i would go for the latter) and once you define your criteria, you can start your house hunt.
Just bear in mind that there are loads of hidden treasures in Morocco that haven't been discovered yet but it's only a matter of time before they do. Azzemour is one of them, Safi, Oualidia, some tiny little places in the region of Ifrane and also the east...
8 August 2007 14:41
Azemmour is said to be the next Essaouira so those looking also for investment can keep an eye on it.
8 August 2007 17:39
thanks shireen and miniemouse , i was surprised to read your suggestion (essaouira) you know i was thinking of essaouira smiling smileyi watched a program on TV about this town and it looks beautiful
i have never visited essaouira but next summer i am going diffinitelty t do that and go on a house hunt
the sooner i think the better as i am sure house prices are going up in Morocco year after year

thanks again guys x
9 August 2007 00:23
Hi rosette1

As it was mentioned before Essaouira ,Azemour & Oualidia are all good places but as per mimineuse your hunt will depends on what you looking for , is it an investement ? will you rent it ? if so you will need to think of who you targeting ? transport ? ect ..........
I was in Essaouira this summer & i loved it but i will higly recommend going outside the city like sidi Kouki or sidi Bouzaraktoune very nice rural area but the beach is more for surfing .........
An other point for a small budget i recommend "Essaouira Al jadida" they have some available now & will have more later on , just a word of advise do not buy in the summer as the prices tend to increase 25% to 30% as the demand exeeds the offer & also every year the prices are going up ( Marrakech almost on daily basis !)

Ps : Fes ,Tanger & Assila are worth checking out

Good luck
24 August 2007 14:40
hi there

i intend to buy a house in fes inchaallah.

anyone with some tips ???
Il faut se garder de trois fautes : parler sans y être invité, ce qui est impertinence ; ne pas parler quand on y est invité, ce qui est de la dissimulation ; parler sans observer les réactions de l'autre, ce qui est de l'aveuglement. [Confucius]
29 August 2007 17:57

Old or new ?
I love to habuy an old house & do it up i hear the prices are picking up
If you doing a house up be sure to know what you are letting your self into & you need some one to spervise the work for you
If you buying new , avoid off Plan as the Moroccan are very bad at showing you top flats & pass you low standard finishes & poor quaity work ( i had to get builder,plumber, electrician ,carpenter,decorator,tiller ...... back to fix the faults they left)

We look forwards to the house warming party
29 August 2007 18:04

If you doing a house up be sure to know what you are letting your self into & you need some one to spervise the work for you

If you need a project manager,you've got one here! I don't charge much grinning smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
31 August 2007 13:49

I hear an other section in the new Essaouira has openned up with Flats for sales ect .......
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