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If you had the chance to choose between your Love and your Religion!
5 December 2009 04:04
Which one to choose if you would given the choice!?Religion or Love?!
Some of you girls must have been in love With non-Muslim guys!? If yes, i would love to hear your experience and how did it go?!
I myself had an experience with a non-muslim all started in a party my friend was throwing, he've seen the first time and he just liked me, but to be honest i did not notice him in the party because they were so many people there! anyway, we met randomly later on for a drink with my friend and his best friend and we talked a lot, and we just linked!! we started to date for so long but afterwards we just felt the religious differences that we could not ignore because they were totally holding our relationship back from going forward! that was really sad, because we really loved each other and we understood each other incredibly!! but once the religion subject pops-out we start fighting we were breaking up two weeks because of it then we get back and then we realize it is a mistake and then we break was a very exhausting relationship but love was definitely there!
Well, now we broke up but i still think about him, he is the best thing happened to me ever! never seen a guy so attached to me and want to please me like he did. he wanted to convert to Islam for me, but i said NO! i just said that because i felt he was doing it for me, to be with me, not because he wanted to! i just was hoping he will love my religion as i do, and he will convert willingly and for GOD, not just to be with me!! i jsut had a different point of view, my religion maters a lot for me, no matter how much loved him, that was always something missing there! he did not understand that!!
i do still love him and so respect him, he was a very kind, nice person he never tried to push me to do things i do not want to, if you know what i mean!! and he was always by my side. my friends were jealous from me sometimes that im with such a guy like him, and especially when he suggest that he will convert for me and that he want to marry me!! that was just great!!
Well as i said now we broke up a very long time ago, but i still talk to him and we hang out as friends! we talked last time about what went wrong in our relationship and we found out that the only thing is standing between us was Religion! so he said he would have made the best couple if not the religion!!
im happy with my choice though, i have no regret of any kind.the problem is that im Virgin and i couldn't sleep with him, and that was very important to him, because he said that love and sex are linked. if you love someone, you should sleep with that one!! crazy philosophy and could never apply it! thats why we broke up!!
sorry guys, i know i have been talking a lot about myself but i just wanted to share my experience with you! and im waiting to hear her stories smiling smiley
14 December 2009 13:16
so... muslim_girl , it is not so complicated as u see it!!
i am not muslim ... i am chrestin ... but i also had a small relationship with a girl from maroc , she studies here in romania...
it s not so complicated with the religion , serios , if u both are in love one with each other, it's perfect , really , it is really nice to be loved and also to love someone ... i did not find the right girl to fall in love yet.
for this maroccanian girl i had a little bit of passion , that s all
you for example , if u really love that guy so much , u should be happy and spend a lot of time with him, and also love is not about sleeping... it's important that also,but if he respects u than it would not be a problem for him
after all , you want to be happy in life right? so sometimes to be really happy in life , big sacrificies have to be made
your choices should be made also in function of your age, because after 25 u will see things different
anyways i hope that u will be happy all of your life
14 December 2009 15:13
Which one to choose if you would given the choice!?Religion or Love?!
Some of you girls must have been in love With non-Muslim guys!? If yes, i would love to hear your experience and how did it go?!................................................................................................ .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... ..................
im happy with my choice though, i have no regret of any kind.the problem is that im Virgin and i couldn't sleep with him, and that was very important to him, because he said that love and sex are linked. if you love someone, you should sleep with that one!! crazy philosophy and could never apply it! thats why we broke up!!
sorry guys, i know i have been talking a lot about myself but i just wanted to share my experience with you! and im waiting to hear her stories

since you said you hope he will love your religion, i suggest you get him as a present a book that talk about Islam so that he can have an idea what is the religion about. many non-Muslim fear Islam because some so-called Muslim are giving bad image about it moreover western media is adding more spices to make it look a religion of terror. try to explain to him that the message of Islam is about peace, love and forgiveness. if you still meet him keep strong and don’t fall in sins. you know what i mean. if you see no fruits after making an effort with him i advice you to end up this relationship. it’s not right for a Muslim either a male or female to be engaged in a relationship with the other sex just for the sake of friendship. as you know, there’s always Shaytane accompanying two persons of opposite sex. you may fall in wrong doing even if you never thought of it. good you have no regret so keep strong and Allah will reward your patience. the sweet life is when Allah is proud of our deeds.
16 December 2009 03:30
bebbocu. thank you for your support and your understanding, only someone who experienced the same will understand me and not judge me.I dont think we will be together anymore because he already moved with his life and he is dating another chritian girl like him. he sid he is happy and he loves her even if when he told me he loves her, he sounded a bit confused but whatever. im not waiting for him anymore neither stopping moving on untill he get convinced that im teh one or whatever!

i brought him the holly coran in his language as a gift a while ago when we were dating and he actually asked me to buy it for him, and iwas surprised but touched by him act. He was reading it while we were together and i was trying to explain him more what he asked me and what he didnt understand as possible.He was willing to marry me and convert to islam, but i didnt feel he was ready for this radical change and i was right, coz we broke up now, and i think he is happy with him he used to live it.
When we met teh last time, i asked him if he is still reading the Coran and he told yes SURE, and that everyday he finds it interesting to read.He said he told all his friends about it and he was reading once with his best friend. and i just requested that if he read something taht he doesnt really get NOT to laugh at th COran coz that is not appropriate and it will hurt my feelings if im not around. He said he would never do that, and he knows how religion is important for yeah![/b]
I am still STRONG honey, dont worry winking not falling into sins with anyone. i love my religion and i respect it. If soemoen really loves me he has to exept it and love it..and afterwards practice it smiling smiley

Thank you,[/b]
23 December 2009 16:13
Salam Aleikoum,

My religion!!! that's all, even if I stay single for the rest of my life! I know Allah will bless me in that world or the other one if I have the good muslim beahviour! smiling smiley
Free, Free Palestine ! End the occupation now!!! Sionnistes, fachistes c'est vous les terroristes! Aidez la palestine :
24 December 2009 22:51
Hi everyone,

Being in love is not everything...As far as I'm concerned, if I have to suffer in the name of my True Love (God), I will...

I've always stuck to my way of behaving, my rules...A feature of my personality...

Moreover, everything is illusion except religion...

Sweet dreams.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2009 10:57 by Sweetlatifa.
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
1 January 2010 23:30
Salam alikoum,

I have been in your situation, we were good friends, we spent a lots of times together, and the feelings starting to grew with the time...difficult situation!
But I chose my religion and he understood it very well.
You did the right thing even if it's not a simple situation.

Inch allah you will find a nice muslim guy who deserves you.

See you,
2 January 2010 00:42
WelcomeYou have to keep love and religion apart dear.
Once you bring your belief into the relationship you can kiss it good bye. The religion is a way of thinking and living as a Muslim (bloke or girl) you should be able to adjust your life to accommodate other religions.
Islam is a very relaxed religion. Most Europeans now days are religious only by birth similar to lots of modern Muslims.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
4 January 2010 21:05

I chose my religion without any doubtsmiling smiley

It's all for me,a man can leave me but my god(swt) and my religion it's a part of meIn love
7 January 2010 04:11
Salam alikoum,

I have been in your situation, we were good friends, we spent a lots of times together, and the feelings starting to grew with the time...difficult situation!
But I chose my religion and he understood it very well.
You did the right thing even if it's not a simple situation.

Inch allah you will find a nice muslim guy who deserves you.

Thank you so much for your understanding sweety.It hurts like hell sometimes knowing that he could be my only one! but seriiously i wouldnt change anything now! im happy with my choice, and if he couldnt be Muslim or cope with it, then i dont need such a man in my life.God is First and my religion counts more than a stupid guy that thinks about his needs more than other things!!!!!! i really cant belive how some poeple could just live their lives without any purpose or having something to look ex is not religious at all, he said that he doesnt want to choose something taht control his stuoid thinking!!

Naj! can i know if you still feel for this guy?still in contact with him?
waiting for you answer and thanks everyone for the support smiling smiley
26 January 2010 15:35

I chose my religion without any doubtsmiling smiley

It's all for me,a man can leave me but my god(swt) and my religion it's a part of meIn love

Agreed! Religion is part of who you are.
17 February 2010 15:15
the love will end one day ..if not in live it will after death..
i adivce evreone to keep the relegion because it's our lifeboat..
25 February 2010 15:14
Hello my dear sister, only thing I can tell you is you have made the right choice with no doubt, Allah will be on your side no matter what happenes and since you believe in him and you have put your trust in him you will never regret it my dear sister, if you would of choosed to be with the guy, well things happens and you can't predict the future,let's say something went wrong between both of you, who are you going to turn to? you know it, God only, be patient my sister, Allah is there for you, and he will bless you with all he's blessing inshAllah, once again I promise you, things will turn out good for you insh-Allah, I know that love can be hard sometimes but again think of what I said the only one we turn to is God, I don't know about other people, but personally me when I do something wrong and don't remember and I regret why I did it I go back and turn to him. may Allah be on your side and please let me know what happenes...later...I'm sure everything will go just the way you want it inshAllah, I think God is holding something beautiful for you so when you get it inshallah share it with us smiling smiley), take care.
25 February 2010 20:30
Which one to choose if you would given the choice!?Religion or Love?!
Some of you girls must have been in love With non-Muslim guys!? If yes, i would love to hear your experience and how did it go?!
I myself had an experience with a non-muslim all started in a party my friend was throwing, he've seen the first time and he just liked me, but to be honest i did not notice him in the party because they were so many people there! anyway, we met randomly later on for a drink with my friend and his best friend and we talked a lot, and we just linked!! we started to date for so long but afterwards we just felt the religious differences that we could not ignore because they were totally holding our relationship back from going forward! that was really sad, because we really loved each other and we understood each other incredibly!! but once the religion subject pops-out we start fighting we were breaking up two weeks because of it then we get back and then we realize it is a mistake and then we break was a very exhausting relationship but love was definitely there!
Well, now we broke up but i still think about him, he is the best thing happened to me ever! never seen a guy so attached to me and want to please me like he did. he wanted to convert to Islam for me, but i said NO! i just said that because i felt he was doing it for me, to be with me, not because he wanted to! i just was hoping he will love my religion as i do, and he will convert willingly and for GOD, not just to be with me!! i jsut had a different point of view, my religion maters a lot for me, no matter how much loved him, that was always something missing there! he did not understand that!!
i do still love him and so respect him, he was a very kind, nice person he never tried to push me to do things i do not want to, if you know what i mean!! and he was always by my side. my friends were jealous from me sometimes that im with such a guy like him, and especially when he suggest that he will convert for me and that he want to marry me!! that was just great!!
Well as i said now we broke up a very long time ago, but i still talk to him and we hang out as friends! we talked last time about what went wrong in our relationship and we found out that the only thing is standing between us was Religion! so he said he would have made the best couple if not the religion!!
im happy with my choice though, i have no regret of any kind.the problem is that im Virgin and i couldn't sleep with him, and that was very important to him, because he said that love and sex are linked. if you love someone, you should sleep with that one!! crazy philosophy and could never apply it! thats why we broke up!!
sorry guys, i know i have been talking a lot about myself but i just wanted to share my experience with you! and im waiting to hear her stories smiling smiley
Ay Ay Ay...u talk too much
who cares about ur personal life, live ur life and let others live.
who cares?
blah blah blah...u talk too much.
26 February 2010 13:33
@ LibrePenseur: you are such an uneducated person
1 March 2010 02:58
Hello Muslim _girl,

If you were truly in love you wouldn't be asking this question. Love transcends everything including the self induced illusion of religion. This man went out of his way to read your book and consider joining your cult. But I guess that wasn't enough for you. What you want is a complete self devotion and an unquestionable submission to some illiterate peasantry thoughts of the 7th century to make you content.

Love is a human instinct that predates the need for the engineered and made up concept of religion. What you are experiencing is guilt that emanates from the stark conflict between what's real, natural, and instinctive versus what's clearly a man made, never proven, metaphysically shallow concept that you want to validate your existence and your partner's against.

3 March 2010 23:06
@ LibrePenseur: you are such an uneducated person
Listen dude, listen to the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea and the animals in the jungle...
Listen, what's your definition of education?
if you think that having a degree from Harvard or MIT is education or what your parents passed to you as religion from their ancesters and their ancesters...then you don't know nothing about education.
Educate yourself first, and think as a free-thinker and not as a follower, then and only then you will be considered as an educated person.
reading the coran and the hadith 1000,000,000,000...times don't make you an educated person.
hello, wake up, hellooooo!!!!
Love is love and religion has nothing to do with it.
who cares what religion a person follows, love comes from the heart but religion is just a myth that our ancestors passed to us to make us feel good.
follow your heart not your religion.
4 March 2010 12:14

Well said. I can't agree with you more.

4 March 2010 19:53
@LibrePenseur: ok now you are talking, your reply to me should be your answer to her question first instead of (Ay Ay Ay...u talk too much
who cares about ur personal life, live ur life and let others live.
who cares?
blah blah blah...u talk too much.) that to me just sounded like and uneducated person talking. and also I wasn't talking about reading the quran 100000 times or whatever makes you an educated perons smiling smiley, but anyways I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you over nothing, not worth it at all.
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