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Chomsky's dinner with Nasrallah
25 August 2006 16:10
Here's a interview with Noam Chomsky where he gives his opinion on Nasrallah. That's followed by a debate on a variety of subjects like the Iraq war, the possible conflict with Iran...
I respect the man, he earned his stripes but I disagree with him on Iraq. Listen to it and let's talk about it. It's a sound file (52 mn):

26 August 2006 02:57
Chomsky is a socialist jew he is a known supporter of communist dictators such as Fidel Castro. He is also a brilliant languist who was born in the US.
Chomsky is also pro Shiaa muslims thus pro Iran.

Chelhman, I'm curious to know why u disagree with him on the issue of Iraq.
26 August 2006 14:39
Pseudo007, "thanks" for the bio on Chomsky, but I've known and followed the man's work for years.

I disagree on his views on Iraq because leaving it now after wrecking everything is going to lead to an unprecedented bloodshed. It'll be far worse than what is happening now, Iraq will split up but the borders will never be clear and it's a recipe for perpetual war.
Some hawkish figures in the White House are actually advocating it now, because neighbours at each others throat are excellent clients for the US military contractors and they can pay with....oil. Which is exactly what they came for in the first place.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/26/2006 04:02 by chelhman.
26 August 2006 19:48
Hi All;

THis is what little I got from what was for me a poor audio session due to the slow connection I had!

Noam has touched on a number of issues and wasn't really explicit in his views in this discussion, which was mainly dominated by the other fellow )sorry I forgot his name)from the New York times. If I'm not mistaken, Noam Chomsky says that it's up to the Iraki People to decide if they want the U.S occupation over; he's for the troops leaving! On the other hand he makes the point that if that happens, The area, which is strategically important for the U.S for obvious reasons,might be a magnet for the chinese! Now, that's far fetched but a possibility nonetheless!

I found his take on Iran to be somewhat cautiously "neutral", Mr. Pseudo, He is rather for the U.S putting more diplomatic pressure, on Iran, not a physical( ground attacks) one, which he qualifies as "Insane". The more media and diplomatic pressure on Iran, the more intolerant the regine will become and that'll lead to a crumbling down of the system from whithin, I think he says!

It's Bush's responsibility to fix the area right now i.e before 2008! They broke it and they own it! For Bush, Rumy,Rice,Wolie and Rove, it's a failure to leave not finishing the Job (whatever that is!), but it's clear that it's not gonna happen before 2008 and should the Democrats get into the WHite House, they will have to deal with it!...So Bush and Co. will be on vacation saying blaming the dems for not fixing it...

...Which is why Both guests on the show agreed that The U.S troops will probably be in Irak for the Next 15 years! That's along time, but I'm afraid that rebuilding and stability require twice as much time as the Anihilation of a country let alone it's cultural heritage...
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