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How to defend Moroccan.
2 August 2006 14:14
Hi everyone..
perhaps, is should not talk about this tberguiga.. but yesterday i had a worst conversation about it, with two other giirls,who insulting that only moroccan are doing this kind of jobs, and no o ther nationalities, they don't have ethics,nor principles! the two ladies, one italian,and one From Dubay.the question is,why they think that Morocco we have a big city full with Prostitues?i argue with them and told them it doesn't exisit, one of them called her friend, which had a Moroccan girl friend, he said" she always told him that in Moroccan cities we have a street full with cheap girls!" Al ikhwan is it true?how can i defend it?
i got mad, and i left them... it was so stupid talk.
2 August 2006 14:48
sbs, our country, our cities are like every other in the world, I live in Brussels, there is also here several streets dedicated to prostitution, the biggest is near the North Train Station. Prostitution exists in Morocco, it's a by-product of social difficulties, as it is in every other country in the world. But for some reason, we have a reputation on that subject propagated by those retards in the Gulf States, and MREs tend to relay that information because in their deluded, twisted, conservative minds, Morocco is a pristin muslim land.
So don't deny it, it wouldn't be credible. Yes, we have streets with prostitutes like in Brussels, Paris, Dakar, Bangkok, Milan, Genova, New York...etc, so ? It's sad like anywhere in the world but we're working on it : education and training for them to be able to find decent jobs.
Speaking of that, someone mentioned on this forum that a lot of the prostitutes in Europe are Moroccans, well I can guarantee you that in Brussels, I've never seen a moroccan prostitute, the overwhelming majority are from former eastern european countries.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/02/2006 07:40 by chelhman.
2 August 2006 19:25
wa chelhman, have you never heard of khnifra, elghara and more cities like that where not all the city but there is parts of the city where its known to be a prostitue areas, somehow someway you land there they know you are a stranger and you are immediatly approached by an older man asking you if you want a girl.
A friend of mine back in Casablanca was working a sells rep for a company who sells bleach and detergent so they go around the country from super markets to small outdoor markets in small towns. they happened to land in khnifra and the story began, they got approached, they took the bait and ended up renting a small apartement neighboring one of those prostitue houses and the Madame was cooking for them and providing them with different girls every night, they were there for 2 weeks until the gendarmes got familiar with them and not bothering them at all because of course they were getting free bleach and detergent, so what your friends said is true, however that is in every country even here in the usa they still have the Bunny Ranch that is still to this day open in northern Nevada providing the same services for of course a lot more money.
The reason they envy us is because they say our moroccan women steal their men or at least provide a cheaper competition as far as marriage goes, walahou a3lam.
2 August 2006 19:51
Hi again sbs,

I have to plead ignorance on Khenifra, I actually thought that era was over since a PJD mayor took over, he claimed he had cleaned up the city. Or maybe it's another city...But I'm kind of tired of hearing MREs going on and on and on about prostitution, listening to them you'd think Morocco has turned into sodoma and gomorrah. I admit it's there, but blowing it out of proportion is just feeding into a bad reputation we already have and the stench of it, keeps reeking well after it's over.
2 August 2006 20:44
salam all
reading what so called chelhman stated you will think that morocco is sweden comparing our cities to new york,paris...I did not see you comparing to any other muslim country another thing you take islam out of the life of moroccan and we will be like animal or worse just read the newspaper and see what going on .in morocco if you have contact or money you can get away with anything. those cities you mentionn for example you cannt go out with 14years old girl or boy for that matters. i am sorry to tell you we are reaching new level of having no decency and only going back to our root -islam - will help us .
note: never mind
3 August 2006 00:15
Hi everyone..
perhaps, is should not talk about this tberguiga.. but yesterday i had a worst conversation about it, with two other giirls,who insulting that only moroccan are doing this kind of jobs, and no o ther nationalities, they don't have ethics,nor principles! the two ladies, one italian,and one From Dubay.the question is,why they think that Morocco we have a big city full with Prostitues?i argue with them and told them it doesn't exisit, one of them called her friend, which had a Moroccan girl friend, he said" she always told him that in Moroccan cities we have a street full with cheap girls!" Al ikhwan is it true?how can i defend it?
i got mad, and i left them... it was so stupid talk.

You should remind the Italian woman about her own country,where everything goes.Not only you can find women prostitutes but men and children prostitutes.
I watched a British report about prostitution in Italy and it was truly revolting,there were men renting their own boys for 40 euros to peadophiles.
3 August 2006 09:54
Dear All
I just spent a week in El Jadida and Sidi Bouzidi, and during my stay, prostitution was like number one topic. Young ladies have no problems going out with anybody who can pay. Europeans at all ages are enjoying this easy going. Ignorance and Poverty combined, are at the heart of this problem.
3 August 2006 18:50
Go to any nightclub in morocco, and see for yourself. Why is it that prostitution worries so much people! how about people not finding food to eat in morocco? how about being treated like sh#it by the authorities? how about the children sniffing glue on the streets? how about cocaine and heroin being spread in morocco like if it were chewingum (hashish? nowadays nobody wants it in morocco it's old-fashioned1)? how about that? Yes, just go to Khnifra... el hajeb etc... and you'll see the entire economy is based on prostitution... and as a result how many kids are left on the streets, as a result of that ask the "dar khairias" they'll give the figures...
3 August 2006 18:50
Go to any nightclub in morocco, and see for yourself. Why is it that prostitution worries so much people! how about people not finding food to eat in morocco? how about being treated like sh#it by the authorities? how about the children sniffing glue on the streets? how about cocaine and heroin being spread in morocco like if it were chewingum (hashish? nowadays nobody wants it in morocco it's old-fashioned1)? how about that? Yes, just go to Khnifra... el hajeb etc... and you'll see the entire economy is based on prostitution... and as a result how many kids are left on the streets, as a result of that ask the "dar khairias" they'll give the figures...
7 August 2006 09:40
Hi everyone..
perhaps, is should not talk about this tberguiga.. but yesterday i had a worst conversation about it, with two other giirls,who insulting that only moroccan are doing this kind of jobs, and no o ther nationalities, they don't have ethics,nor principles! the two ladies, one italian,and one From Dubay.the question is,why they think that Morocco we have a big city full with Prostitues?i argue with them and told them it doesn't exisit, one of them called her friend, which had a Moroccan girl friend, he said" she always told him that in Moroccan cities we have a street full with cheap girls!" Al ikhwan is it true?how can i defend it?
i got mad, and i left them... it was so stupid talk.

it is exactly the same in france
i have friends who are ashamed to say that they are maroccans....
allahister!!i don t know how to ddefend maroccans ...
7 August 2006 20:52
Why do you have to defend Moroccan(s)? People are responsible for what they do or want to do or even obliged to do! It's up to the individual to defend him/herself for choosing to be a prostitute...

As a Country, there's the good the bad and...the prostitute! Morocco is no different! It's my country and I love it...but the corruption is so prevalent in every little corner... and prostitution whether in or outside Morocco is a form of corruption of the mind and the body!

There's no changing the mind of a prostitute for if they have the courage to stand in line and sell their services for money or whatever reward, they sure have the courage to defend themselves and ultimately have the courage to either quit...or write a book about it!
21 August 2006 10:21
the prostitution is a phenomenon caused by poverty...and nobody is able to eleminate it, 'cause an easy way to get money... give the girls their rights and give'em jobs and they will be like your mothers and mine...
23 August 2006 12:05
Dear sbs,
Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. It is in every corner of the globe. I live in a Gulf state and just in front of me there is a fully furnished appartment building for prostitution. So prostitution exists even in "conservative" societies.
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