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The definition of stupidity
3 May 2008 18:04
A recent flurry of moronic posts reminded me of an interesting documentary on the status of our societies, it's a bit long so sit back and get yourselves some potato chips. Enjoysmiling smiley :

3 May 2008 23:37
can u resume the idea of this documentary ?

question stupide grinning smiley

trop forte la définition d'einstein winking smiley
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
4 May 2008 01:23

we r may be not idiot,not imbecil and not moron but surely stupid Oh

the solutions to not be stupid are :

1- Stop thinking --------: who said : (i think then i exist ) perplexegrinning smiley cause he forgot that he is also stupid tongue sticking out smiley
2- Shift the blame -------: perplexe blame the others ? don't understand this solution crying(
3- Lose touch with your feelings ------: How ?
4- Build walls --------- : the first walls is don't come here to discuss with u some stuff grinning smiley
5- Avoid challenges -------: some challenge is not negativ eye rolling smiley
6- believe in your self ------: sorry i believe in GOD ...i know i m stupid grinning smiley
7- Deny, deny, deny ---------: sometimes i do it grinning smiley .......yeaaaaaah i m not stupid tongue sticking out smiley
[center]Une seule et unique :zen: I S L A H :zen: [/center]
6 May 2008 11:25
Thank you Chelhman for this educative post/ documentary .Interesting to know that the French have invented the IQ test; then again I wouldn’t put it passed them they had to invent something to differentiate between individuals of their society.

Nothing good or bad behaviour but thinking about makes it; as we grow older our perception of the surrounding develops hence affecting our tastes, there are exceptions and different cases to the majority of course. It is these cases that can be classified as abnormalities of the norm in the society.
Part from birth natural mental retardation does the responsibility of low intellectual capacities lies with the parents and the environments one is brought up in? Or is it something else that influences the development of the intelligence any child?
6 May 2008 14:59

Part from birth natural mental retardation does the responsibility of low intellectual capacities lies with the parents and the environments one is brought up in? Or is it something else that influences the development of the intelligence any child?

It's the age-old question, is it upbringing or genetics that determines intelligence ?
I honestly don't know, I've seen examples that support both theories, but I'd say with an average human with no birth defects, upbringing is the main factor.
But like the documentary says near the end, it's also hard to define intelligence. If we use our current standards, the next generation will probably be less intelligent. Knowledge is available to all, it is unprecedented in human history, but entertainement is valued above all. We'll pay the price of the current trend that seems to dumb down everything for commercial purposes.
6 May 2008 17:00
The genetic plays a small role only in the development of the intelligence; normal child will have several genes in the dormant state.
As you know, genes can be turned on or off just like a switch by the milieu. I have read that someone claimed to have pin pointed the gene responsible of intelligence while researching schizophrenia.
The gene therapy list will run for years and someone is going to be rich out of all this. The majority of Moroccan people are very sharp and intelligent; but the environment we grow up in does affect our gift, so we do show some unacceptable behaviour even when we are out of that milieu and in a better situations.
Is the saying you can’t teach an old dog a new trick valid or not when talking about intelligence if the genes are correct?
16 May 2008 14:23
It was answered in one of our ancesters books; I think it was Abou houriara qui a dit:
Kada Aljahlou an yakouuna koufran.
and since stupidity and ignorance are correlated; and we have all the means to éducate ourselves. It should be Koufran. Books, good books, read brothers and sisters expand your minds. Emile Zola, Balzac, André gide.....Khalil Jabrane......Dalai Lama....Ghandi my favorite
Love always
21 May 2008 10:50
Hi Interprete;

I have to disagree with you about this point. Education will only improve the individual’s understanding and perception of the environment and can contribute to improve the person's behaviour.

The behaviour of the person is shape in the first place by the parent’s upbringing and the social behaviour that includes the human animal side, sex education, religion, traditions, totems and taboos etc...
We can find a highly educated person committing a very stupid act or deed lower than an uneducated person who has the correct up bringing and right attributes to social behaviour.

Stupidity in my opinion is a moment (or several in some cases!!!) when individuals stop rationalising and self criticising their own behaviour within a group. It is the animal selfishness taking over and controlling the person’s behaviour.
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