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I am depressed because of Covid Pasd
23 October 2021 00:39
Dear All,
I really need to talk to good people, strong people, people with Faith in Allah. Since my country decided to apply the compulsory vaccin pass to access all the locations (even public offices), I feel so bad... They threatened my teen daughter of kicking her out from school if she doesn't get the vaccin. I spend all day long crying. I heard an expert in the government saying that even babies will be vaccined to get civil registration. I am so sad. I don't know what to do. What kind of life is this? I wish I could, give up my job, all this modern lifestyle and live like the Amish in a small community, with self-sufficiency, but, how, it is impossible... I wish I were dead before this time. When I look to my child, I wonder what kind of world they will live in... I am so sad..
23 October 2021 00:44
Where does you form ?
Dear All,
I really need to talk to good people, strong people, people with Faith in Allah. Since my country decided to apply the compulsory vaccin pass to access all the locations (even public offices), I feel so bad... They threatened my teen daughter of kicking her out from school if she doesn't get the vaccin. I spend all day long crying. I heard an expert in the government saying that even babies will be vaccined to get civil registration. I am so sad. I don't know what to do. What kind of life is this? I wish I could, give up my job, all this modern lifestyle and live like the Amish in a small community, with self-sufficiency, but, how, it is impossible... I wish I were dead before this time. When I look to my child, I wonder what kind of world they will live in... I am so sad..
23 October 2021 01:01

So I'm trying to figure out the issue here. You seem to be actually against the vaccination protocol like many people in France or the United Kingdom for example. In your country, the vaccination has been stated as an obligation and because of that, you can't just bend the rules. And unfortunately, we can't do nothing from afar.

So you either continue to push against the governement because you care of your rights as a human being, or you decide to vaccine your daughter because you care for her and education, or you leave the country which seems to be rather difficult right now. In this context, choosing the less impossible option is better than searching for an option that doesn't exist.

May your future be better for you and everyone else.
23 October 2021 01:28
I feel exactly the same since i want to travel to morocco they want everyone to be vaccinated to control the population i don't know what to do but Allah is above it all
23 October 2021 01:34
May i ask you where are you from?
23 October 2021 02:15

The question is " Where are you from ? "
Natacha Celeste bs 2
Where does you form ?
Petit Juif.
23 October 2021 03:27
You seem to live in France perplexe, don't you ?

allez vazy parle français on sait tous que t'es en France hey ptdr
Dear All,
I really need to talk to good people, strong people, people with Faith in Allah. Since my country decided to apply the compulsory vaccin pass to access all the locations (even public offices), I feel so bad... They threatened my teen daughter of kicking her out from school if she doesn't get the vaccin. I spend all day long crying. I heard an expert in the government saying that even babies will be vaccined to get civil registration. I am so sad. I don't know what to do. What kind of life is this? I wish I could, give up my job, all this modern lifestyle and live like the Amish in a small community, with self-sufficiency, but, how, it is impossible... I wish I were dead before this time. When I look to my child, I wonder what kind of world they will live in... I am so sad..
23 October 2021 07:21
Crying will not solve your problem. If it’s compulsory then just get the vaccin. No need to overcomplicate things…
23 October 2021 08:15

T’as arrêté les cours d’anglais en …. CP ?
Natacha Celeste bs 2
Where does you form ?
23 October 2021 20:19
T'imagines avec la prononciation ptdrptdr


T’as arrêté les cours d’anglais en …. CP ?
24 October 2021 14:21
Oui lol !

Je suis nulle en anglais. Je supportais pas ça du tout

T’as arrêté les cours d’anglais en …. CP ?
24 October 2021 14:22
C'est même pas imaginable pour être honnête
T'imagines avec la prononciation ptdrptdr
25 October 2021 20:15
Mais si c'est marrant. Et puis elle était pas si mal que ça ta phraseWelcome. J'avoue moi aussi j'ai du mal à l'oral, mais une fois que je suis parti, je m'arrête plus. Il faut juste trouver les astuces pour utiliser au max ses 1000 mots de vocabulaire.
Natacha Celeste bs 2
C'est même pas imaginable pour être honnête
25 October 2021 20:30
Lol tu es sympa merci
Mais si c'est marrant. Et puis elle était pas si mal que ça ta phraseWelcome. J'avoue moi aussi j'ai du mal à l'oral, mais une fois que je suis parti, je m'arrête plus. Il faut juste trouver les astuces pour utiliser au max ses 1000 mots de vocabulaire.
14 May 2022 10:38

En Quoi Te Gêne Un Vaccin Qui Est Fait Pour Te Protéger. ??
Le Maroc Protège Ses Citoyennes Et Citoyens ! Protéger Les Citoyens. Serait Plus Juste. Car Il Faut Penser À Une Éventuelle Pandémie Généralisée ? Les Bébés Et Les Personnes Âgées ? Où Plus Où Moins Jeunes ? Soyons Fiers De Notre Pays, D’Être Protégés De Ce Genre De Pandémie.

Prévenir Une Pandémie Aussi Dangereuse ? Est Une Opération Qui Coûte Très Chère . Et Les Marocaines Et Marocains Sont Protégés Gratuitement. Qui Dit Mieux ? Honnêtement ?
I feel exactly the same since i want to travel to morocco they want everyone to be vaccinated to control the population i don't know what to do but Allah is above it all
27 January 2023 00:22
Hope you followed this advice. It's the sensible response.

So I'm trying to figure out the issue here. You seem to be actually against the vaccination protocol like many people in France or the United Kingdom for example. In your country, the vaccination has been stated as an obligation and because of that, you can't just bend the rules. And unfortunately, we can't do nothing from afar.

So you either continue to push against the governement because you care of your rights as a human being, or you decide to vaccine your daughter because you care for her and education, or you leave the country which seems to be rather difficult right now. In this context, choosing the less impossible option is better than searching for an option that doesn't exist.

May your future be better for you and everyone else.
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