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je dirais a tt americain "Do you blame us if WE HATE usa"
9 December 2007 19:02
salut tt le monde

poeme de ahmad matar / le poete de la liberté ( en image smiling smiley )

et là je dirais a tt americain "Do you blame us if WE HATE usa"
ecoutez ( lol lisez)
10 December 2007 23:12
Hate blurred our vision and confused our judgements. This hate kept us weak and lagging behind all kind of advances. It is the blind hate that chained down our enthusiasm for living one more day and having one more chance to live. The same hate made us hate ourselves more than any enemy while we are to ourselves, the main enemy.

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11 December 2007 00:56

I'm just a person who hates to see people hate ...
When you have people which hate you for no reason what that means?
Why we are always desapointed with the friendship?
Why there are so many hate?
Why people do not understand that life is to short ?
Why is so difficult to be happy? why?
Reda kader
19 December 2007 20:36
I think you have to distinguish between the average Joe and America foreign policy makers
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