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Discussion by Windows Messenger (MSN)
16 August 2007 19:42

I would like to know if it's possible to have MSN adress to discuss with someone who have a good level in English. I think it's the best method to improve my english inchalla.

In Msn, we will discuss on all the subject like Islam, it's especially to speak english.

To send me your MSN adress, contact me by private messages please.
22 August 2007 19:09
Lot of views but never answers
22 August 2007 19:16
Hi YoussefOuz, I'd love to help you but I'm afraid i'm rarely on MSN as time doesn't allow me to! sorry
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
27 August 2007 15:15

why don't you go to an english country in order to improve your English level? I do think that it is the best solution to have a fluent English
Allah aounek
27 August 2007 15:49
i would like to help, but i don't use msn that much

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/27/2007 10:52 by cranberry.
30 August 2007 14:29

I would like to know if it's possible to have MSN adress to discuss with someone who have a good level in English. I think it's the best method to improve my english inchalla.

In Msn, we will discuss on all the subject like Islam, it's especially to speak english.

To send me your MSN adress, contact me by private messages please.

your request is a bit unusual, and the fact that you said you wanted to talk about Islam must have put off many people!

Why dont join Chat forums? there are loads out there. (yahoo, lycos...)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/03/2007 08:23 by Passerby.
3 September 2007 19:46
SLm Alkm,

I would like to help U. i can speak quite good english. BUT I need someone who can speak French, because I need to practice that a lot. Can You?

P.s.: I'm very private in giving my MSN that sudden. So if the awnser is yes, I still have to think about itconfused smiley
2 November 2007 16:23
I can help both of you, but I am not on msn that much.

Let's pm me and see what we can do. I have a good French but still improving my English..

Have a nice day
3 November 2007 01:59
Salamsmiling smiley,

There is too many ways to learn English.

Of course, the best and the most known is to visit an English-speaking country. But it's not the only solution. U can also look at DVD's in VO or read books in English. It's very easy, but very effective.

What's difficult it's not to learn English, but to become fluency. For that, it's just necessary to be rigorous.

Good luckwinking smiley
One step forward and two ahead...
5 November 2007 23:16
i would like the same thing
6 November 2007 01:49
try to immprove my english too sad smiley
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