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Does anyone know the equivalent of Maverick in Arabic?
22 December 2008 18:44
Hi everybody,

Does anyone know what Arab media used to call john mccain when referring to his english description as a maverick?
22 December 2008 22:46
c'mon anyone who followed the Arabic news media during last US presidential election might have heard the word repeatedly. I can not find the exact political reference in arabic
24 December 2008 21:44
Sorry Sebbou3 I do not know it either. But if it could be any consolation, can I suggest a white haired lying baboon. I always thought of politicians as such. Sorry!
But honestly, give us a better challenge and more interesting question. ta ta
25 December 2008 04:17
Here is what I found online

Babylon English-Arabic:

English arabic dictionary:
ÃáÇÓãÌóÇÍöÏ ; ÌóÍõæÏ ; ÎÇÑöÌ

English 2 Arabic Glossary

Don't ask if I know what this means. I just copied-pasted.
I Hope this helps
27 December 2008 06:57
Assalmo 3laykom!

according to dictionary Maverick was originally reserved to describe a calf or a cow that is not branded by a rancher as it was common practice in the old west. and therefore that calf would be considered not officially belonging to any rancher. and the first rancher who finds it and brands it become his lawful owner. But the word was later used to describe individuals with uniques views and methodologies that are not mainstream and politicians who run as not belonging to any political party.

In that light, "Maverick" in arabic would be "Mosta9il" either politically or ideologically.

Wa allaho a3lam!...
29 December 2008 16:48
Amazigh01, you got it wrong. My question is not intended to challenge your intellectual capacities. I really needed the translation of the word Maverick for personal reasons. My question is very interesting to me and to those who know the answer.
Thank you for wasting your time in this topic.

Sorry Sebbou3 I do not know it either. But if it could be any consolation, can I suggest a white haired lying baboon. I always thought of politicians as such. Sorry!
But honestly, give us a better challenge and more interesting question. ta ta
29 December 2008 16:58
Koutiko and Vagabondo

Thank you for your help. I also looked up the translation of this word online and found the same answers. I was just thinking that the Arab news media might have invented an arabic equivalent of the word.
29 December 2008 20:07
Hi Sebou3!
Sorry about that! I was reading about some of the commentaries that people seem to put on the net and got carried away with the answers. I did not realize that it was aserious question and adding to that I disliked the fellow as much as I disliked little Bush and hence the silly answer. I respect that you must have had some serious work and eager for the answer. Apology once again!
30 December 2008 15:42
Apologies accepted.

looks like none of the yabilidis follow the Arabic news media.

Hi Sebou3!
Sorry about that! I was reading about some of the commentaries that people seem to put on the net and got carried away with the answers. I did not realize that it was aserious question and adding to that I disliked the fellow as much as I disliked little Bush and hence the silly answer. I respect that you must have had some serious work and eager for the answer. Apology once again!
30 December 2008 16:27
I strongly like you to know that the apology has been made for the sake of Allah and not because of anything else. This is the Islamic manners and teaching that I have been brought with.
If you notice, as you plastered my apology all over the web, the comments have explicit and in good manners. Adios!
30 December 2008 21:56
Are you OK!!
la haoula wa la kouwata illa billah. wa lillah fi khalqihi shoueoun.

calm down, you just succeeded in making me regret coming to such a forum.

I strongly like you to know that the apology has been made for the sake of Allah and not because of anything else. This is the Islamic manners and teaching that I have been brought with.
If you notice, as you plastered my apology all over the web, the comments have explicit and in good manners. Adios!
30 December 2008 23:36
You guys sound as if you are talking to yourselves and going in circlesAngel, don’t take it to heart. We all learnt something today thanks to Vagabondo. yawning smiley
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