Sorry Sebbou3 I do not know it either. But if it could be any consolation, can I suggest a white haired lying baboon. I always thought of politicians as such. Sorry!
But honestly, give us a better challenge and more interesting question. ta ta
Hi Sebou3!
Sorry about that! I was reading about some of the commentaries that people seem to put on the net and got carried away with the answers. I did not realize that it was aserious question and adding to that I disliked the fellow as much as I disliked little Bush and hence the silly answer. I respect that you must have had some serious work and eager for the answer. Apology once again!
I strongly like you to know that the apology has been made for the sake of Allah and not because of anything else. This is the Islamic manners and teaching that I have been brought with.
If you notice, as you plastered my apology all over the web, the comments have explicit and in good manners. Adios!