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US dollar is vanishing
29 November 2008 16:13
watch the video here

29 November 2008 18:01
He sounds crazy, a conspiracy nut, but there's a basis for his claim, there IS actually an Amero project, but it's just a merger of currencies across the NAFTA countries, the dollar is not going to be bust overnight, it took years of preparations for the Euro, it's going to take much more for the Amero.
However, on the US$ by itself, of course it is going to take a hit in the next few months, don't have to be a genius to figure that one out, with the deficits the Moron In Chief left, the collapse of major parts of the economy...etc, it's likely the US currency will fall at least 30 % to 40 % against the Euro.

30 November 2008 13:42
U think so watch the news then people are protesting in US because the dollar is falling down and Euro is following, i have just seen it in Aljazeera English 15mn ago.
30 November 2008 14:26
Salam L & G

Can you please explain to me what is all about, my connection is slow and vid google takes much time to load.. he is showing a coin of a new currency that is going to replace US$?? right ??
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
30 November 2008 17:14
Hi Hicham_A,

Yes, he claims those coins are evidence of a conspiracy to replace the Dollar with the Amero, that the Dollar will be worthless, well DUH ! Of course, it is going to be worthless if NAFTA countries opt for a common currency (Amero) which is what he is actually referring to, the Franc and the Deutsch Mark are now worthless, being replaced by the Euro.
But this isn't a conspiracy, the Amero is an open and public project. When a country decides to change currency, there's a period of at least a year to swap the old ones for new ones, it happened in Europe, even after the invasion of Irak with the old Iraki Dinars.
However, with the current crisis, it is unlikely to happen, to synchronize currencies across different countries, you need to have, what they called in the EU, convergence criteria, that includes lowering the public debt, putting a cap on inflation...etc, the US is far from that, they're like a junkie always borrowing to feed their addiction to consumption, oversized military budgets...etc
They've been bankrupt for over 30 years, but as long the creditors keep lending them (2 Bn/day), they'll keep going.
30 November 2008 20:09
Thanks a lot Si chelhman

well it seems incredible as there is no need to keep it secret if it was a real governmental project. Also, it is not a change of a currency which will make the economy stronger rapidly...Anyway thanks again...
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
3 December 2008 07:02
1 dollar now is 8.70 Morocco dirhams ,just three months ago it was 7.00 dirhams .
but i don't really know what exactly happened to itperplexe.anyway it's good for me if it keep going up like thatgrinning smiley
5 December 2008 18:09
Since this global crisis the dollar has rocketed, don't think it's the end of the dollar, at least for the next 50 years or so. The countries may adopt to use the Euro or another currency to do business which are more stable than the dollar. The problem with the dollar is its instability.
Brazil and argentina have signed a deal not to do business with each other using the dollar. Maybe this spreads to Mercosul, if this happens, then most countries in South America will drop the dollar.
7 December 2008 16:01
You wrong riffman. The US economy is doomed and the dollar likewise it is just matter of time. The current streng is just temporary and can be explained by the comodoty price crash and also the huge amount of sold assets in US $. 1-2 years from nw the dollar will probably colapse, just like the Us economy is colapsing now.
9 December 2008 07:48
the dollar is going up dear people. deflations always proved high priced commodities and strong currencies

check usdeur=x or usdmad=x

the best time to trade usdmad is in the next 2009

us economy is NOT collapsing, it is having a hard time but not collapsing, because it is tied to global investments and loans to dev countries, not as euro which is taking a hit too but not leveraged anywhere else besides europe and some asian markets
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
9 December 2008 15:36
to support my claim

look at this


dollar will bounce back to pre march 07 levels, the biggest hit of the dollar was when oil prices spiked.

euro is following this downtrend now giving the dollar some trend to go up.
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
9 December 2008 15:42
Kutchia... I wish I were wrong! before the US economy collapses, there will be the domino effect. it wil get all economies with it. We know of the collapse of the BIg 3 carmaker, BMW, WV, now Sony, and so on... this crisis has to end, nothing is eternal, but before it ends many economies will collapse, hopefully the countries in development are surviving better. All this due to the mere speculators! (didn't this happen with the price of petroleum?)
30 December 2008 10:11
i would like to share this article from somebody with you

The Federal reserve has stole peoples wages and labor for years with inflation and interest. The big Jew money changer game will be more blatant with a currency change. They need to leech off of the Mexicans and Canadians as well. The revolution may be a little late in coming this year and may be preempted by the new TV shows coming out this fall.
30 December 2008 11:40
Hi Chelhman!
I like your answers on the general financial situations. Have you done economics? I deal in shares personally and if you have any idea or approach to generally halal shares, I am all ears.
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