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we don't have fear
23 November 2008 21:21

What's all about?


Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
24 November 2008 23:56
big lie
25 November 2008 09:16
big lie
GOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDD...student in a School of Makhzen
28 November 2008 12:57
big lie
grinning smiley
other big lie
grinning smiley
29 November 2008 18:59
hespress is an electronic newspaper of bullshit , rumours and lies run by few beardies with hidden agendas and ideologies, not credible at all
ghir lwechhhhhhhhhhhhhgrinning smileywra lwech hram zaama smiling smiley
29 November 2008 19:02
ifni63, are you a slave of one of those movements Clap
29 November 2008 19:25
ifni63, are you a slave of one of those movements Clap
I am from Sidi ifni and i love a lot of my city and my contry..
You can understand?
29 November 2008 21:31
we all love our country but i am sorry to say as all the comments in the french forums has told you many many times
you are exagerating making up stories sometimes just to serve some sort of propagande
you are trying very hard to spread rumours withoput any tangible proofs
i agree with you it was manifestations in sidi ifni but what started as peaceful manifestations turned into violance because some bad apples were carrying the flags of polisario and destroying public places
the police should not use violane in a peaceful manifestation but if the people who protest were aggressive and destroy public propereties such as buses, schools i think the use of the force is necessary
i am not telling you not to love your town and talk about it, i am just fascinated by the amount of stories and the propagande you been spreeding in all the forums trying to make people beleive that there is civil war or something in Morocco and victimise yourself and others i still waiting for an other topic from you about the use of chemicals or weapon of mass destruction on sidi ifni

aww n9ess asahbi chwia ptdr
29 November 2008 21:59
we all love our country but i am sorry to say as all the comments in the french forums has told you many many times
you are exagerating making up stories sometimes just to serve some sort of propagande
you are trying very hard to spread rumours withoput any tangible proofs
i agree with you it was manifestations in sidi ifni but what started as peaceful manifestations turned into violance because some bad apples were carrying the flags of polisario and destroying public places

the police should not use violane in a peaceful manifestation but if the people who protest were aggressive and destroy public propereties such as buses, schools i think the use of the force is necessary

9imat aljahl b ma jara..
lah y3fou 3lik rak ma jayb l dinya khbar..
Lah ynjina mina aljahil ida ida3a 3ilman

i am not telling you not to love your town and talk about it, i am just fascinated by the amount of stories and the propagande you been spreeding in all the forums trying to make people beleive that there is civil war or something in Morocco and victimise yourself and others i still waiting for an other topic from you about the use of chemicals or weapon of mass destruction on sidi ifni

aww n9ess asahbi chwia ptdr
You can say these to GENERAL LAANGIRI

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/30/2008 10:30 by iifni63.
29 November 2008 22:16
i left my chrystal ball with the glass polisher ptdrgrinning smiley
29 November 2008 22:46
what's up girls
30 November 2008 13:56
wa dayrine men elhaba qoba,
if any one in any place in morocco who ever he might be raise the frlag of polisario and start messing about with private properties he will receive the same treatement.
we are all moroccans and we all love our country, and as moroccans we all have no fear to say morocco with all its cities is a free country and polisario are nothing.

Et vive le Marocgrinning smileyClap
30 November 2008 15:22
wa dayrine men elhaba qoba,
if any one in any place in morocco who ever he might be raise the frlag of polisario and start messing about with private properties he will receive the same treatement.
we are all moroccans and we all love our country, and as moroccans we all have no fear to say morocco with all its cities is a free country and polisario are nothing.

Et vive le Marocgrinning smileyClap
daba rah wad7a l Qadia..
Nas dial Polizario tay7awlo ygolo hadchi min 7it 7na l mgharba gdina 3lihom...
VIve le Maroc...
go away a Trikt Polizario(ladyamal,whatsup and other polizario man)
30 November 2008 16:10
if you love your country you need to stop your propagande in all the forums pretending that the governement used Weapon of Mass destruction on sidi ifni ptdr
lakdoub hrame No no you are exagerating alot , free advice : try to be reasonable and logical
a liar can run but can t hide Danse
30 November 2008 16:38
if you love your country you need to stop your propagande in all the forums pretending that the governement used Weapon of Mass destruction on sidi ifni ptdr
lakdoub hrame :
Za3ma nta rah kinti tama???rah l kdoub 7ram..wa hadchi li tatktab hna, ay7sabek 3lih allah

no you are exagerating alot , free advice : try to be reasonable and logical
a liar can run but can t hide Danse

1 - the immediate and unconditional release of all the militants arrested and call for the end of proceedings against them.
2 - constrution of the road Sidi Ifni- Tantan and the satisfaction of all claims of people who have been expressed for a long time
3 - The pursuit of responsible for crimes against humanity in Sidi Ifni whatever their rank in the state

That's all

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 11/30/2008 04:54 by iifni63.
1 December 2008 14:27
1- the militants !!!!!!! need to be replaced by civilians i agree with you they may be some innocent people but i think people who destroy public properties schools , buses , throw stones on windows , cars etc need to be punished according to the law
2- construction of the road ? you need to have some sort of unions who discuss this with the local authorities , baladya , aamala etc people who you voted for and who represent you , aggression and destruction never solve a problem , the governement doesn t have a magical steak and can afford all your dreams come true in 24 hours it s about the budget and the planning and in my opinion you need to question the people who you voted for
3- persue of the responsible: why don t you start a law proceeding and hire solicitors and leave the judges to decide
aggression is not the solution
1 December 2008 16:15
YES this is really well said, this is what should be done violence can be faced by more violence.
we should be wise in such cases.
1 December 2008 18:38
YES this is really well said, this is what should be done violence can be faced by more violence.
we should be wise in such cases.
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