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Donkeys atlas
7 March 2006 01:12
Is the football still going to be talked about or played in morocco? after all the embarrassment & the very low performances from the donkeys atlas, these donkeys are just a bunch of show offs in front of the camera, stupid hair style, well past its date, falling everywhere, running away scared from the ball. Who chooses these donkeys to play the ball any way? is it friends & families or is it the public?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2006 07:52 by The berber.
10 March 2006 14:33

I guess there years of glory and years of beeing down, Moroccan team are having serious problem right now, so far they never mess up, they just can´t win.

if there is anybody to blame is the moroccan Federation too bad we still have people who heritate working post.

what do you expect of a team that has no cootch ....

and we have to admit that other africain country are better than us,
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