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Driss Al Basri
21 April 2007 22:28
the interview with Driss Al Basri on al jazeera

watch it on here
22 April 2007 03:30
yeah, this guy's got the guts to say bullshit and try to bullshit everybody as if all what he did was justified, he and late king are not gonna get away with it, one of these days "AlBarsi" is gonna wish he were dead before what would happen, now that he's living abroad like a black sheep, all what he had stolen will do him no good and he's gonna pay big, very big ! goddamn bastard ! in one of his latest pics he looked like a hog, and the best is yet to come !
23 April 2007 20:34
no comments! he got away with everything, like most of them. let's hope this chapter does not happen again in our land.
24 April 2007 15:10
slt ca va bien je sius un nouvelle persen sur le box
2 May 2007 11:55
Is this interview recent or is it and old one? I remember him giving an interview to aljazeera some 2 or 3 years ago but i missed it. This sounds quite interesting unfortunately it stopped just when it became more revealing. Anyone knows where we can watch the full interview?

3 May 2007 01:52
Miss Minniemouse, i think there's no need to watch or listen to one of the biggest thieves Morocco has ever gave birth, what're you expecting from a scum like him ? defend himself or try to find excuses? he did what he did , he ripped Morocco off and now he's away enjoying his time wherever he pleases, the only thing he sticks with is saying i was "3abd ma'mour" ( slave obeying orders) and in this one he's not fully wrong, his master was responsible of the whole chaos the country is going thru, and some assholes are still following their path and they refuse to stop the mess or at least give way to those good-hearted folks who really want to put things in order ...
3 May 2007 10:27
Hi Shelby, there is no harm in watching an interview given by an ex powerful politician of Morocco and there is no need to be constantly on the defensive evey time a subject about Morocco is bieng mentionned. Of course i will never defend that man, and what you have said is no secret, Morocco and the world know what Basri did during Hassan II's reign, so that's not the point. I wanted to watch the whole program because i was horrified at the way the man was talking, or rather lying through his teeth. He sounds at ease and quite confident and this only suggests that he is either a totally brainwashed idiot or a mythoman. I also wanted to see the sort of questions he was being asked by the journalist as I was hoping they would be quite tough. In Morocco, we suffer so much from lack of communication, freedom of speech is an alien concept and we long to see politicians give an independent interview and talk about the system etc so when an opportunity such as watching one of the biggest criminals in the history of our country getting humiliated about this past, i don't think any Moroccan can miss that. These are the reasons why I want to watch the interview, no more no less. Do i have your permission now to do so? smiling smiley
4 May 2007 01:40
don't get mad at me Miss Minnie mouse i was just kidding : well, if you really insist here's some 7:13 minutes of the Aljazeera's interview with the bastard who scared the hell out of Moroccans for a whole 20 years try this link : []
Enjoy !
4 May 2007 10:20
I'm not mad at you Shelby, I just didn't like you saying that i would defend that man ...never mind. Thanks for the link, it's the same link sbs posted in the beginning, i guess the interview is few years old and it's not stored anymore in the archives.
4 May 2007 21:17
On the contrary, I think we all should read more, research more and let people know about that period in Moroccan history so everybody, even the children of our children will be aware of it! otherwise history can be rewritten with diifferent words, and soon be forgotten.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/04/2007 09:19 by riffman.
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