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the dutch moroccan scandel
28 July 2006 15:50
there is 1000st scandel in holland,from moroccans

only if you older than 18

it was on a dutch moroccan forum

watch it
28 July 2006 16:47
sbs, I think u should let the people know that the link will take them to a porn video.

As of what I have seen in it, all I can say is that May Allah destroy those filthy muslims who have given us a bad name all around the world. This is crazy and it must stop. When are we going to do something about moroccan girls who have become world wild prostitutes. Why is it that most women who leave this country never try to find a decent job but prefer to sell their bodies for easy money. When will moroccan men stop sending their daughers and sisters outside of morocco knowing they will surely be prostitutes?

I propose that the moroccan governments stop giving passports to women who don't have any serious need to leave the country. Women should be allowed to leave only if they go with their husbands.

This has to stop

I feel a lot of anger inside of me I just don't have the words.
Thank you sbs for messing up my evening.
28 July 2006 21:01
it's quit worring and i really don't know why in most paris café shops and bars the majority of prostitues are morrocan girls, i think morrocan, algerian and tunisian people have almost the same habits, history and education so why prostitution in foroeign countries is more a morrocan concern than an algerian or tunisian one, why is this, what did we miss in our education? it's a question I've been asking myself since I live in Paris and see these facts myself, if someone have any explanation
29 July 2006 17:21
it's quit worring and i really don't know why in most paris café shops and bars the majority of prostitues are morrocan girls, i think morrocan, algerian and tunisian people have almost the same habits, history and education so why prostitution in foroeign countries is more a morrocan concern than an algerian or tunisian one, why is this, what did we miss in our education? it's a question I've been asking myself since I live in Paris and see these facts myself, if someone have any explanation

what can you do buddy, if a girl wants to be a prostitute , nothing will prevent her from doing so, it is her life, beside, if she is an adult, then she can do whatever with her body, I know that , this brings shame on us, but Allah will judges these sluts.

Ps: In morocco, we have prostitutes, and we also have women that are pilots, ministers, ambassadors scientits, colonels, chief of police chiefs Ceos in very big firms which is not the case in arab countries so my dear brothers stop focusing only on 1% of moroccan girls and don t forget that you moms are also moroccans
le crime ne paye pas, mais il occupe
29 July 2006 18:05


don t forget that you moms are also moroccans

thumbs upthumbs up and their sisters and cousins...
29 July 2006 19:43
it's quit worring and i really don't know why in most paris café shops and bars the majority of prostitues are morrocan girls, i think morrocan, algerian and tunisian people have almost the same habits, history and education so why prostitution in foroeign countries is more a morrocan concern than an algerian or tunisian one, why is this, what did we miss in our education? it's a question I've been asking myself since I live in Paris and see these facts myself, if someone have any explanation

what can you do buddy, if a girl wants to be a prostitute , nothing will prevent her from doing so, it is her life, beside, if she is an adult, then she can do whatever with her body, I know that , this brings shame on us, but Allah will judges these sluts.

Ps: In morocco, we have prostitutes, and we also have women that are pilots, ministers, ambassadors scientits, colonels, chief of police chiefs Ceos in very big firms which is not the case in arab countries so my dear brothers stop focusing only on 1% of moroccan girls and don t forget that you moms are also moroccans

Hi Soprano,

I am not concentrating on anyone, I am just noticing something strange, which is that there are a lot of moroccan prostitutes in Paris compared to algerian or tunisian, and I guess I have the right to question myself about this coz I think it's only by questionning the problem, not hiding it, that we can know the causes and maybe look for a solution, So please don't feel offended, I am morrocan and have the right to question and ask about anything I want without being censored.

PS: sorry but prostitution in our country concerns a lot more than 1% of population, hidding the problem won't help to solve it, sorry,
I perfectly know that my mom is morrocan but that won't stop me from talking about everything, and if u feel easily offended when we speak about morrocan problems then u got to stop coming to this forum.
29 July 2006 23:12
i would like to share the fact that i had encountered with moroccan prostitutes in Bangkok and Sydney before coming to Morocco. After 3 years of living in Morocco and some experience with Moroccan prostitutes here i totally agree with Moroccan girls in bangkok and Sydney who work as prostitutes and try to get to Australia and New zealand. Here, in Morocco, i think they receive less money and more illtreatment from Moroccan men than they get abroad. What can these girls do without education and working skills abraod? I hope one day as soon as they can find another job, they will give u being prostitute. Nobody is born to become a prostitute.
31 July 2006 01:45
Hi all,


I don’t agree with you ...when it gets out of control I think we should be all concerned men and woman and should ask ourselves about the reasons and the consequences exactly because it’s about the reputation of our mothers, sisters , cousins and friends …here it’s not about the average rate of prostitution in a country …..unfortunately it’s much more than that….every one knows it!…. we are ( I’m talking about women) internationally known as prostitutes …we've got the privilege in the middle east...only Moroccans…no matter how much women pilots ….doctors or company managers we have….we are labeled and there is no way to change it!…I had myself really bad experience working with people from the middle east ( clients men and woman ) ….I was choked that they all looked at me as I should be one of those girls ….I had to justify myself and show them the limits many times… really disgusting!….. in Dubai the prostitution with Moroccan girls becomes a real business with agents….the girls are selected depending on the needs of the Arab clients …some of them are still minors …got no information about what they’re doing….. not award of the consequences……as for the freedom you’re talking about ….prostitution and perversion was never a sign of freedom in any developed, civilized and healthy society…rather an indication of material and spiritual poverty….lack of education and values….even in the western world (where women are really free ) a lot of the prostitutes didn’t choose it….those who choose it suffer psychologically which means that’s it’s not an easy “job” as it seems to be ….. personally I’m seek from it !…Moroccan women beeing pointed as a prostitute when ever you go outside Morocco ….. I wish our government could do something about this! At least starting with informing people……still better than nothing!...but I guess the government remains silent because many areas profit from it economically …banks , real estate market….ect...even cabs!….but this an other story…….
3 August 2006 18:26
Very interresting debate indeed. This matter has been going on for centuries, and it will never end. just like the drugs. I live out of morocco, and I know how harsh life can be. It's a matter of survival, either you find a way out or you die. Some women prefer to be maids and earn some pennies and others become prostitutes and get well-paid. I've seen them in London, they hang out at the best casinos, best hotails in Mayfair, etc... they drive cool cars and wear Gucci, live in Kensington, etc... who does not want to have that? some people would prefer prostitution in order to have luxury. The problem? it's roots are deep, they are already spread and you can't chop them easily... I share the idea of some that the goverment is guilty, but how about us, we are guilty too.
5 August 2006 20:16
Hi Ilham

First of all, you should that for all those pig with dipers head (saudis and co.) all the girls are prostitue for them. When they go to Paris, they bang all those parisienne, when they go to London they do the same, for them, women are a piece of meat (lack of education probably), but I am point out here, is that I agree that some of our moroccans women act really shamefully, that you cannot deny it. But Honestly, think about it, what could do about a moroccan girl that wants to rent her body in Casa, Dubai, Koweit or Paris, I don't think that we can do much about it, fredom of movements, some girls instead of working as a saleswoman would rather sell their ass and make wayyyyy much money. Imangine in MOntreal, a prostitute can make up to 1000$ cash, tax free for one night, and she was working as secretary she would barely make 120$ gross. I know some people that do pimping over here and they even proposed me to join their dirty business. ONe guy offered me 100$ per night cash, 500$ per week, 2000$ cash clear in my pockets, plus my other job, I could have bought a nice BMW only for driving prostitutes around for clients, but I refused because I feared Allah and because I have values, but some people would have accepted right away. Concerning our moroccan women, some of them are in fact fu.cked up in their minds and sell their dirty butt for penauts, while Allah is watching them, the only thing we can do, is to talk to these people and save them from the hands of satan.
le crime ne paye pas, mais il occupe
7 August 2006 02:55
I can't believe the arrogance of what I'm hearing!

Do you think a woman, brought up with resoect and love, and given the choice of a productive life and economic independence, would choose to work as a prostitute??

Use your brains please... woman are the same as men in that they want respect, economic independance, and some feeling of control over their lives - if a woman chooses to be a prostitute, then it must only be because that seems like the best option to her in the situation she is in - so ask yourselves - what sort of situations and life circumstances would make prostitution seem like a good way of living?

Improve the rights and treatment of women, give them more legal means of living and supporting themselves if they need to, and you will find that prostitution decvreases!!

Salaams, please, examine your attitudes. Respectfully, hasn't anyone heard of feminism on this forum?
If you really want to know why so many women (moroccan or otherwise) are working as prositutes, why don't you go ask them??

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/07/2006 10:20 by laure21.
7 August 2006 12:50
there is 1000st scandel in holland,from moroccans

only if you older than 18

it was on a dutch moroccan forum

watch it

yeah the worst thing is most of them who do that are moroccan arabes and they are only a minority between moroccans in Holland. like that moroccan girl that comes on rtl5 reclaming her porn movie. her name was samira if i remember it.

when the repporter asked her if they get any problems between the moroccan community in holland, she just answered: no i am from kenitra and we are modern and the majority in holland are from Rif and are not modern and very islamic orientated.

and i know alot of arabic moroccan joung girls who just live a view years in holland and already married with an old dutch man only for papers.

what a shame!! if an Amazigh asked his linguistique and cultural rights, they accusing him of anti islam, but what i see here in holland from arabes, they are giving islam a bad name and especialy when they accuse rifians to be traditional and to islamitic. al waqi3 bayen smiling smiley

ps: moroccan arabes in holland are a small minority, i am wondering now, what if they were in majority??
----------------------------- Viva mi Patria y mi Pueblo!
8 August 2006 19:12
I didn't get the connection between feminism, women working, etc... FYI, it is easier to get a job in morocco as a woman than as a man! factories employ mainly women as labor because they are cheap (don't get me wrong, I am not supportive of this). as for imigration abroad, all kinds of people immigrate. I already asked the ladies why they embraced this occupation, and guess waht the answer was?: "MONEY!" nobody mentioned segregation or anything similar.
9 August 2006 00:51
I didn't get the connection between feminism, women working, etc...

tanks riffman for the remark!...I'm wondering about the connection too?...

anyway ...I agree that the most of them got money as reason to do this activity but the thing I can't understand why only moroccan women ? any other arabic country there are as much as poor people as we've got.... some times more...why are our women easier to get till they gain this bad reputation? it more an educational issue or rather an excess of freedom and the trasition to the modern world ?.....what can we do about this?....
9 August 2006 13:53
I suppose, it is the transition to modern capitalist world! There are prostitutes from every country, every ethnic race, etc... but we tend to see more the ones from our own. I wouldn't be worried yet about this subject, really. Just comparing with eastern Europe... the mafias that export young women to the so-called developped countries (where there is rape, corruption, paedophile, sex slavery, etc.) to work for peanuts providing sex to them.
Seriously! we should worry about other stuff, such as the thousands dying and if lucky being caught by the spanish navy trying to cross to Europe.
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