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Elections 2007
5 September 2007 15:39
With Elections coming soon

Will you vote ?

Are the Moroccans living abroad allowed to vote ? If so where ?
Are they allowed to be elected ? In both cases how can they influence the democratic process ?
5 September 2007 15:45
It's a no-no to both questions
5 September 2007 17:22
I will vote, and yes Moroccans abroad are allowed but I guess it's too late now, u need to check with the consulate and u can vote in the consulate of Morocco,
5 September 2007 18:37
Who will you vote for ? i do not know a thing about them !
5 September 2007 20:40
I'll vote for L'alliance des Libertés, they believe in human rights and separation of powers, plus I don't wanna vote for USFP, Istiqlal or PJD because they are all corrupted, smiling smiley
5 September 2007 22:57
Will you need to registar before the vote ?
I never did , i feel very bad about it
6 September 2007 03:16
yea, u needed to register before but try to talk to them tomorrow
6 September 2007 23:14

I missed the boat this time ,i should be prepared next time ..........
7 September 2007 12:32
I never voted (in Morocco) and quite frankly i don't give a stuff about elctions there or who wins. Call me cynical if you want but when a country spends 6 or 7 decades under the same ridiculously handicaped and corrupt governments, the expectations of a breathrough becomes almost a miracle. Unless of course the whole constitution gets changed, which i doubt will ever happen anyway...
Atlasmagic, i don't think you should feel bad about it, Moroccans abroad were never allowed to vote in the past, so it's the government's loss really. I know this has changed now but i'm not sure if London is part of the change. It's a pity i didn't see your message before i would have advised you to give the consulate a call, they would have given you the information you needed. As for the candiadate's programmes, you can check it online if you go the partis websites, the majority publish it there.
Well you missed it this time, never mind, believe me it wouldn't have changed a thing smiling smiley but hopefully next time you will vote, at least to satify your conscience.
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
7 September 2007 21:55

I hear waht you saying & i do agree with you ,but and hear i will sound a bit too positive how could we change things ........people fought so we could have this right to vote & we just leave it ?
Do we keep saying the same things all the time ?
Do we take part ? could we take part ?
Too many Q's but surely if all Moroccans say the same thing how could we move farwards ?

Leave politics to one side just on NGO we have the typical ones milking the systems both here & back home without doing anything for the community ............we are the decents Moroccans ? why not have some ONG's who promote ,support & speak for the community ?

We all say they are ...........we wont change anything ..........its not my problem ...........& we stay were we are even worst ,look at the Poles they have a University giving them a chance to finish there studies here ...............we strugling to have arabic for our children ........
13 September 2007 00:18
Just got back from the homeland, I saw the way political parties were campaigning, the ministry of interior warned that there would be no tolerance for the old ways (bribes, zerdas, gifts...) and they watched everything like hawks.
The feeling I got, was that the enthusiasm was there for a new era but parties didn't communicate on their programs, what I saw were teenagers being paid 100 Dhs/day to give away liflets and driving around in pickup trucks banging on tâ3rejas and singing "vote for us"...
As for MREs voting, given the way the majority of them were leaning, it's a good thing they didn't vote "en masse".
(I know, I'm biased...smiling smiley)
In the end, streets were polluted with liflets, you couldn't find a car rental because parties rented everything on wheels, printshops probably made a fortune, teenagers got themselves some money for their Nikes and RG512, but I didn't hear the beginning of an idea, even the PJD, who couldn't shut up during the last legislature, kept things to a bare intellectual minimum.

Maybe next time parties will understand that campaigns are a very serious thing, this is a new Morocco, political parties just got their rear-ends kicked by reality, I hope they'll get the message next time.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/13/2007 03:33 by chelhman.
13 September 2007 11:20

Thank you for the update , no surprises there i noticed that our roads were a tip " more than the usual" just watching on TV
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